Crimson Guardians
Hey all,

We just made some major changes to the way this group is being run. We're now doing daily 4-way streams a la the Royal Fellas as we work on our studies (special thanks to Marius for showing me how to use XSplit). Plus Bloodsports stuff, workshops with guest artists and daily 2-hour speed-paint challenges, which we stream. We help motivate each other to work and give each other feedback as well.

Everyone is welcome to participate. Our regular participants have been from all over the world. Nothing we do is really time-zone dependent and a lot of us are up at really ridiculous hours, so you don't have to worry about missing out or anything for being in a different time zone.

The group challenges and activities are determined not by me but by group consensus, and everyone gets to add their own ideas to the growing list of challenges that we do every day. If we're not doing something you want to do, just let us know and we'll modify things accordingly. :)

We're mostly active on Skype, and we work every day. If interested just PM me or e-mail me at [email protected] with your Skype info and I'll add you to the group Skype thread we set up.

Oh and >>>CLICK HERE FOR OUR LIVESTREAM PAGE<<< :D We are on every day!

[Image: 2c0cw8.jpg]
Click the banner for more info!

Crimson Guardians group work thread
We've got a studies thread here, which will be populated with more stuff more frequently now that we've changed the group's format around.

[Image: 2c0cw8.jpg]
Click the banner for more info!

Crimson Guardians group work thread
Another quickie revision to the group, as per group consensus. Also, we've got daily speed-painting challenges we're doing, with a growing list of characters and subjects. Feel free to stop by the stream, join the fun, do the challenges and suggest your own ideas to add to the list! :)

[Image: 2c0cw8.jpg]
Click the banner for more info!

Crimson Guardians group work thread
interested, how to join?

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