Alex Freitas' sketchbook
Hello everybody! I'm Alex, from Brazil. Long story short, I'm a psychology student that don't want to be a psychologist. I'm almost finishing college, but what I really like is creating art. So I'm in a journey to become a professional artist, or at least achieve a reasonably good level so I can finish college and be able to focus on art.

This being said, here is some studies I have done these days. Any feedback is highly appreciated.

These gestures are from 30 seconds to 5 minutes
[Image: gestures+1.jpg]

All these are 2 minutes, I'm trying here to use less lines for sketching, avoinding scribling.
[Image: gestures+2014+07.jpg]

~40 minutes
[Image: estudo+40+min.jpg]

~20 minutes
[Image: speedpainting+unfinishedlady.jpg]

Trying to learn color
[Image: happyturtle.jpg]

~ 1 hour
[Image: from+imagination+2014+01.jpg]
I'm updating with some landscapes studies I have done. I'm having a hard time on these, I guess I'll have to do at least a hundred more to start to understand what I'm doing...

[Image: landscape+study+2014+09.jpg]

[Image: landscape+study+2014+10.jpg]

This one I liked more, it was more fun working from imagination. (the others were done using photo reference)

[Image: environment+study+21+01+2014.jpg]
Heeeey mate. Welcome to the daggers. You did a great start here ;) I look forward to see more stuff from you coming anytime soon. Cheers!

Hey Ramalooke, thanks! Really appreciate your comment.

Here are a couple more studies I have done, bit by bit I'm feeling I'm improving :)

Both were done in about 2 hours. The landscape is from photo reference and the other is a master study from Sargent.

[Image: landscape+study+2014+11.jpg]

[Image: master+study+1+sargent.jpg]
Really long time since the last post! I was very busy trying to finish college :D Now I'm back to stay, I hope to work hard and improve along with you guys :) I'm sharing some things I did this last semester and studies I did this week. Feedback is appreciated! Thanks!

First some values studies, having a hard time. I had no idea what I'm doing in that ear.

[Image: valores-na-esfera1.jpg]

[Image: valores-na-esfera2.jpg]

[Image: estudo-valores-orelha.jpg]

Here are some characters I did for facebook group "sketchbox"

[Image: captain-haddock.jpg]

[Image: freeza3.jpg]

[Image: raphael-tartarugas2.jpg]

This one I was just trying to do some imagination concept, but I am now way beyond my confort zone. I don't like this composition and don't think the values are good, so I'm not thinking to finish this, though it was fun experiment.

[Image: tarzan-imagina%C3%A7%C3%A3o.jpg]

Thanks again for stopping by!
Keep studying those values! Here's a great tutorial I found the other day with the Crimson Daggers Reference thread: Happily, it discusses colours as well as values, and I think it's very, very helpful. Experiment, get better, move forward! Grin


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Thank you Bookend! This is a very well done tutorial, I have to read it more thoroughly.

Here are more studies I did this couple days.

[Image: valores-na-esfera.jpg]

[Image: valores-na-esfera-3.jpg]

[Image: valores-na-esfera4.jpg]

[Image: valores-na-esfera5.jpg]

[Image: valores-na-esfera6.jpg]

[Image: estudo-day-lewis.jpg]

[Image: estudo-angelina-jolie.jpg]
Several studies. 30 minutes for the envinronments and 2 to 5 hours for the portraits. Likeness is so difficult to achieve, 5 or more hours and still that bad... I'm probably not trying that hard to achieve it for the near future, I will focus more on values and color. Any suggestions on how to improve I will thank you forever! :D

[Image: 30-minutes-study.jpg]

[Image: 30-minutes-study-2.jpg]

[Image: 30-minute-study-3.jpg]

[Image: estudo-natalie-portman2.jpg]


[Image: russel-crowe-study.jpg]

Hello! I've been doing a bunch of studies, trying to understand values and colors. I watched a Noah Bradley video where he recomends to do little tumbnails master studies, so I've been trying this and I feel it really helps. I'm spending around 40 minutes in each studies. Sometimes I see a thing that I still had not noticed after 40 minutes staring at it, its really interesting :)

[Image: estudo-concha-value.jpg]
[Image: master-color-studies.jpg][Image: master-color-studies1.jpg]
[Image: master-color-studies2.jpg][Image: master-color-studies4.jpg]

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