Othrandir's sketchbook
Ursula Dorada - Thanks , I started doing the warm ups today , they definitely help. Glad you showed them to me! :O

a couple more pages :)

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Trying out different stuff again :O

I bought myself a toned paper sketchbook yesterday , so I had to fill the first page with something bigger
everything from imagination during boring school classes

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I also got some fineliner and a marker , oh the fun! :O

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3 minute photohsop mess around :D Obviously I tried out the Anthony Jones video lighting tutorial , love it :O

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I love your traditional sketchbook scans (and the rest of the sketchbook as well)! I have to find a toned paper sketchbook for myself, looks sweet.

Keep going!

bemota - Thanks man! I love the toned paper sketchbook , hope it works for you too ! :)

two more pages :)

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Just a mindless tree sketch to relax

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and some doodles

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some more sketches

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a guy I know asked me to draw him a tree tattoo he wants to have done...i usually avoid things like that but he begged me and I caved in the end

He liked this thing

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a dwarf sketch with some steps

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here's a new random painting...in the middle i got this idea to sort of give life to the crazy annoying phrase "A little birdie told me" , that is the name of the painting too :)

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and some steps I hope can help somebody or shed some light on my process

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bout time for an update , huh :D

Ok , so first some poses and sketches

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some drapery , my scanner went crazy in these and chopped the image , but i think you can see most of it

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last of the pencil stuff , I went out with some drawing friends , and a good friend of mine with gorgeous style drew these in my sketchbook.Nice lines , huh? You should really check out her stuff :) --> http://spaska.deviantart.com/

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oh , i guess i had one more pencil thing , this is a still life , A3 format so a shitty photo is all i could do...sorry...
Around 20 hours in it.

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a quick study

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random portrait

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and one more random sketch

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Ok , I wish you all an amazing 2013!I hope you achieve all the goals you set for yourselfs.
For me , I will try to improve myself...scratch that...I WILL improve myself! A daily update as of next year , I will lose some weight , I will work more on anatomy , I will work more on my illustration and composition skills instead of doing random characters in a blank background or doing environments with nothing in them.I will read more , instead of rewatching Seinfeld and Friends.I must do those things because , no one else will do them for me.I wish you guys all the best!
Those pencil pages are getting waaaay better! SO much improvement by incorporating some life and reference studies! I can't wait to see where you are a year from now! Best of luck!
all these pencil sketches are certainly paying off, great improvement in your drawing and understanding of anatomy! would be nice to see you expand your studies into other subjects to help build a visual library, great improvement though and keep it up through 2013! :)

CKL - Thanks , dude! I can't wait either , hopefully I'll be better than now :D

mindwrack - Thanks , man! I'm totally going to do still lives man.I need to get much better at color and lighting , and I can't see a better way than that.Your work is awesome by the way! Thanks for visiting :)

First post for 2013!

ok , so for the first of january , I got a massive headache :D I couldn't do shit all day , i tried to do some anatomy , but i managed to get through only one page before needing to lie down again.Fun stuff...This morning almost the same , but a bit better so i tried and pushed myself to do some stuff.Bridgman and a portrait of my father and sister ( she Used to do the duckface , she doesn't anymore :D ). I even recorded a small video , to show process , just for you guys :)
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So the headache IS NOT STOPPING!!The morning it was okay , so i figured i'd take it easy .I ordered myself a subway sandwich ( mmmmmmmmmmmmmm , delicious...) and watched Robin Hood ( the new one with Russell Crowe , i guess not that new anymore though... )Then the headaches started again, but i said to myself that that's not going to stop me , so i sat down and started sketching some knight guy , which turned out extremely horrible ( I tend to overglow stuff waaaaaaaay too much ) , so i decided i'll do studies...and that's it.I don't know why i said all that stuff , just to share i guess.I know you guys really want to hear about my day :D
Here's some stuff.

The overglowed knighty guy

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quick shitty portrait study

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a bigger , not that shitty , study of one of mjranum's stock photos

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and a screencap study of a wonderfull scene in Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring ( for those who don't remember it's one of the "Big Folk" in the Prancing Pony )

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here we go again!:D

I couldn't do too much today , but it was a fun day nontheless...

two quick photostudies

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some bridgman

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a slightly longer study , trying to focus on skintones

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and a refless sketch , to practice those skintones :)

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Great improvement in your pencil sketches! You're becoming more confident in your linework and it really shows. ^-^b
Othrandir, you already know I follow your sketchbooks. You are going to be beast =D.

natzetta - thank you , I feel more confident too , only if my anatomy wasn't crap...:\ , it'll get there though :)

TNiznet - I know , buddy. Thank you for the support!! :) Well don't just stad there , you should be a beast too!I'll meet you at the top! :P

more studying :)

poses mostly from mind , some referenced / one page sketches to relax / a skull study , trying to do things without a sketch before , really feels like progress / a quick dino-looking creature , trying to focus on richness of color and again without a sketch :)

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I was so backed up with stuff , I couldn't get around to posting.Same amount though :) The other day I received my copies of Gurney's Color and Light and Imaginative Realism.Been doing color wheels , swatches and studies for the last two days.But they're boring so here's some funner stuff...
a bunch of figures and sketches (some from mind , some from reference - paintings , tv shows , movies etc ) + some bridgman

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and a GoT screencap ( horrible likeness as always...)

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edit: do you use mechanical pencil?

bemota - hah thanks.Yeah , I do use mechanical pencil.For the figures , I just sketch really quickly the skeleton underneath and then do the contours with the mechanical pencil.

more figures and sketches from today ( maybe with some time and a lot more anatomy studies , they might actually start to look good :D)

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Hey man great Sketchbook Keep up those study's :D


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