Thank you. Studying is not easy, mainly when people try to study so many different subjects at once and the mental pain grows simultenously and people get bored, lost... It's anoter skill you need to keep on doing and later you'll find a way how to study by having fun at the same time. Nobody can teach you this, it's personal thing you have to learn yourself from trial and error by constantly trying studying stuff, applying and seeing what works and what dont. Also the mood of the person and feelings while studying at the current moment play huge role..

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meeeeeeeh... change is gonna come :)

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Wow loving your studies. :D They are a lot different then what i saw and what i'm doing.

What i like the most from these studies is that you come back to color studies you think deserve a bit more chance to look nice ^^ Really good job. Keep it up! :D

btw... can't wait to see some finished drawings. ^^

// Sketchbook // DeviantArt //

May the painting skills be with you! :3
Thanks panda! :D

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Let there be light!

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It's great seeing a more subtle blending for these last ones - great stuff to think about also for the master studies, although sometimes it can get pretty fast out of hand, and you're back on noodling details and missing out on the big picture.

The light/value sheets you did are really cool! I do feel though that the core shadow ends a bit too abruptly, so it makes me think that there is a dent in there somehow. Your reflected light on the other hand extends a bit too much towards the core shadow.. that might be something you'd like to consider, depending on the actual surface of course, just like you already indicated with the different notes on the different materials.

Keep it up nymph0! :)

I still haven't get used to the overall tools and dont have the full control when blending, the core shadow is the harderst part to get correctly on the round forms :p About the reflected light i didn't had exact level how light or dark i wanted it to be, these things are stuff you play with depending on many different factors implemented in scene like light intesity, color(value) of the object, surroundings of the object and their reflectivity and so much different stuff to think about. The idea now is more being able to render stuff keeping in mind form and light principle and not giving much attention if the reflected light is too high etc.. i'm still searching for a way to organize these principles of light and form so i can separately modifying them later when need to :)

Thanks mate!!

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sleepy.. should go draw, havent draw much, tired, meeeeeeeh :/

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i'm so fucking tired, atleast i did something for today..

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Jesus fuck, i need to switch already and be totally serious about this!
All in mode a.k.a soul sacrifice... whaaaaaaaaa D:

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Repeating stuff for myself..

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need to find balance between drawing and painting..

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Yesss gesture studies. :D You have so many of them. Also i really like that you have different models and by different i mean their size you have skinner and plump ones. That's awesome practice right there. Shading on that crazy scientist and a lady from 25.04. is lovely and the way you drew everything about them before finished piece really good job.

I was just wandering that last portrait you did is it from some kind of reference photo? I find something odd in there and i don't know what.

// Sketchbook // DeviantArt //

May the painting skills be with you! :3
Yeah, gestures are awesome practice ;) yep, the portrait was from reference photo, maybe the odd is something wrong proportionally. Thanks panda!

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The sheer magnitude of what you're accomplishing is really admirable. Keep working away at it. Grin Stay inspired! Thumbs_up


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Thanks Bookend


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