Yang's Sketchbook
more studies

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putting all those studies to work

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entering beyond

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Hey man. I can see you're doing pretty good work here. Those studies are sure paying off just keep at it!

Thanks ramalooke :)

So I switched from using the CMYK color slider to the HSB slider and man has it helped out so much especially when it comes to saturation and warm/cool color relationships.

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portrait study :)

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just trying to pump out more work

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Woop! Those studies are coming along real nice Daniel!

Keep pushing!
Nice studies so far! The skin colors in the last portrait look a little grey and muddy. Try using more purples and pink to pump some life in. Keep going!

thanks guys, I'll definitely watch the colors Zombie, I'm still working on getting skin tones correct.

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more work

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Keeping up the productivity eh :) Good job with that!

I feel the skin colour is too warm for the cold light source in the last piece.
Yeah, I was really struggling with how to do the skin because when I went with a cooler light, it just wasn't working. It probably would have helped if I had some reference or something.

Anyways, I've been so busy that I haven't had time to work on anything, so here's a small portrait study.

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hands and feet

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needed to work on perspective....now just need to figure out how to paint it

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Haven't posted in here for a while, it's been quite stressful and busy for me.

anyways, here's something new

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Hmm.........there's something wrong with my paintings but I just can't put a finger on it......it's like they lack punch...there's just something uninteresting about them....

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Hey man-- Great studies, and your own personal work seems to have a really strong sense of composition-- Way to go!

Since you mentioned that you feel that you're missing something in your paintings, I'm thinking maybe experimenting with texture brushes might do the trick? Maybe look to create or find granite/stone texture brushes and see where that takes you, to give your work more definition.

Look at regular mountains, too! Not all mountains will be pure white. There's dirt, and stones sticking out, and ice, and jaggedness. If you compare different mountains, and look at cliffs, and stones, and a variety of things to compare it with, you may be inspired, and may be able to take it one step further.

Here's some search terms I used:






Hope that helps!


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Thanks Bookend :)

The hands on this one still bother me and I decided to stop fidgeting with it

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Thanks for sketchbook visit!

Nice figure, man. Might need some highlights, I dunno. Grin Hands actually look pretty good, but looks as if the composition needs 'sharpening' if that makes sense.

Hope that helps-- Don't listen to me if it doesn't, haha. Grin

Keep up the great work! Thumbs_up


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!

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