Really nice stuff, man. Great studies, and gesture drawing. If there's one thing I noticed about your gestures (which I'm sure you noticed as well) is that a few of the heads look a little small. Pretty confident line work otherwise, keep at it.

@Ursula Dorada Yeah thats what I'm saying about speed. Uh as far as the material studies yes I had most of the objects in front of me with the occasional one of them being from photo, like the jello. It was focusing around several things. How light affects different materials, how color is affected. It's a pretty common study. It helps.

@Archreux Thanks for point that out. I honestly didn't notice. Yeah I should do more measurements. I wasn't trying to really get it perfect. Just some fast warm ups in that one. Helped start the day for me.

I did a quick sketch of the Lich from Adventure time. I'm sick so it's hard to focus. But I'm trying.

[Image: lich_zpsa616edef.png]

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Some quick Michael Hampton studies! I'm going to do some more stuff later today so keep your eyes peeled.
[Image: Hampton_Studies_Jan_22_2013_zps5933547b.png]

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Sorry I didn't post this last night guy, i was feeling really sick and zombie like. BUT here is about a 3+ hour study. I haven't gone and just rendered out a full photo in awhile so this was very hard. Haha, but hey who doesn't like drawing naked girls right? I do plan on doing some MMA fighters in the future, I found some sweet pictures so it's gonna happen. But for my next update I had something else in mind! :D

[Image: Female_Study_Jan_23_2013_zps4b504d79.png]

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Those pterodactyl sketches are sweet. Keep up the studies and don't forget to apply them!

much better without censorship!

Thanks guys.

Had a busier day than I though, but here is a quick sketch for Anthony Jones' contest.

[Image: Jones_Sketch_Jan_25_2013_zps3bc6cc2f.png]

Just an idea, I'll be posting a better one tonight/tomorrow.

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Hah, so i dun goof'd. Didn't get to finish that contest thing in time for anthony jones cause I thought the due date was a bit later for some reason. SO, heres a dragon sketch to start the day.
[Image: dragon_Sketch_zps2b759d02.png]

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Small sketches, and a bug wip.

[Image: Sketches_Jan_26_2013_zps34b750bc.png]
[Image: The_Bug_Jan_27_2013_zps4c7bc343.png]

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1-2 hour morning sketch. DAFT BULL.

[Image: Daft_Bull_Jan_28_2013_zps8dffe32d.png]

I clearly listen to Daft punk too much.

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A quick Mother/Earthbound sketch of Giegue. Little over an hour.
[Image: Giegue_zps83142179.png]

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Nice work dude. Really like the texture in the face of that last one. The kinda translucent skin looks awesome :)

@jake B thanks. I kinda wanted to do just his face as a separate piece. Maybe I will.

Some weird sketches. Just shooting stuff out of my head into the pen.
[Image: Doodles_jan_29_2013_zpsbbc03195.png]

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1-2 hour study of my Caesar Bust.
[Image: Caesar_Study_Jan_29_2013_zps702738a1.png]

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I really like your Michael Hampton studies. They look really crisp and clear with with the line quality!

@vatteh Thanks! it's fun to do his stuff every once in awhile.

Some creature sketches to start off the day. Sea creature stuff.
[Image: Creature_Sketches_Jan_30_2013_zpsdb0c4e7f.png]

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Quick Quick QUICK little rendered out squidy thing.
[Image: Squidy_Jan_30_2013_zpse22e3456.png]

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Didn't quite get that, was that a quick squidy thing?
Yeah man, you should do a portrait of that alien thing though, or something similar, I'd love to see how you handle that kinda texture for a whole piece. Could do something sweet with it, alla Brent lol.

Those sketches look cool btw, although I think the base colours are a little saturated on a few of them, and it's flattening them out. Actually, not sure it's that.. Just a thought though. The more neutral ones seem more realistic to me, that's all.

Keep it coming man :)

@Jake B
haha, yes it was quick. I did do a quick alien head... I'm not that happy with the texture. I'm gonna do some studies and do another one I think.

And yeah, my colors suckkkkk. I really need to study that too. So much to learn, so little time!

1-2 hours
[Image: Alien_Jan_31_2013_zpsf01bef5e.png]

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hey, great improvements here! your understanding of form really seems to be coming along, as well as some nice designs, i think you could push your value work further, and be cautious about using contrast, keep it up!


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