Your motherbrain piece is sick, props for the low angle!
Are you going to be doing all bosses?

@Lumens Yeah hopefully all the super metroid ones and a few from other games.

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Sketching up Phantoon.

[Image: phantoon.png]

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Finished up Phantoon, deciding on what's next.
[Image: phantoon-1.png]

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loving the metroid prime stuff dude, very nice colours

Thank you!

Started up Spore Spawn

[Image: Spore_Sketch.png]

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Been loving the amount of output you've shown recently. I'm liking the Android pieces, nice colors. :D

How long are you spending on each painting? If these have been pretty quick for ya, I might suggest you take some more time on a longer painting. Can't wait to see more from ya.

@Archreux They've been getting quicker, but about 7-10 hours is probably a safe guess. Next I'll either continue these or go for some concept art.

I finished up this one in just a few hours, lotta good planning does. And while I did get a lot of my original ideas in the final piece there were also a few happy accidents :)

So without further ado, Spore Spawn!

[Image: Spore_Spawn.png]

There are few Super Metroid bosses left, actually I'm not sure if I will continue this series or go onto another. I've gotten some other ideas I want to, so we'll see.

For those keeping track there are only a few bosses I could do, those are Ridley, Mother Brain, Chozo Statue, and Botwoon.

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You're really stepping it up with each of these pieces man. The composition, the rendering, it's all looking great, especially in these last two. Looking forward to what you do next :D

@JakeB thanks man!

Panned this out a bit, in the end it wasn't a great pose/angle so I scrapped it. Made for a fun sketch though.
[Image: Nope.png]

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[Image: Ridley_First_Encounter.png]

Here is my interpretation of Ridley's First Encounter in Super Metroid. It's the moments when he first arrives upon Ceres Station and takes the baby Metroid back to Mother Brain. There were no survivors and Samus herself barely made it out. Ridley commands an army and is extremely powerful and intelligent. For this illustration my main goal was to show his triumphant win over the space colony as he truly is a terror to all who appose. Not to mention one of my favorite bosses of all time. So this one I tried to pull off seamlessly, hope you all enjoy the outcome!

As for whats next, that is a good question. All these characters have been making me want to do an environment. So I may take a break of just stop the series here. If I continue then Mother Brain would be next. I do have some fun ideas for her first form, we'll see!

Thanks for looking!

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[Image: Under+blood+red+skies+.png]

I originally planned on doing one more after this. That would be Mother Brain in her first form, though with this being the 7th in this series and the 8th Metroid piece overall, I was feeling done with Metroid boss fight scenes. They were getting harder to make different. So I hope my next series is very different from this. If all goes well my next series should be more conceptual orientated, lots more design, and lots more characters. Though right now who knows what could happen.

I hope you enjoyed this series. It was great fun, and I learned a ton!! Feel free too look back on it for yourself, I hope it helped you to nostalgia yourself.

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So not a lot of people liked Metroid Other M. I thought Samus' design from that game was very great. So here you have the love baby of Samus' appearance in Other M and then Fusion. The two are so close in the Metroid timeline I felt it was appropriate enough. Fusion is very different as far as design goes, at least compared to the other Metroid series. So this was a lot of fun! Hope you like the outcome. I was going for a different style as compared to my more recent works.

[Image: Fusion.png]

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Man, these Metroid paintings are really awsome. You've got such a way of creating volume, I'd almost say it's very reminiscent of Brad Rigney and how he renders out his stuff, I don't mean to compare, it's probably just me. Either way these are really nice, especially this last post above me. Can't wait for more. :D

@Archreux Thanks man.

[Image: ZSS.png]
More Metroid, sheesh it seems never ending. But it'll end soon enough.

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[Image: ZSS_Reboot.png]

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I really like the recent character designs in terms of design itself and rendering them! Keep it up! :)
Shit man, that last metroid character piece came out great. Really nice bold colours. Keep it coming :)

Hey thanks guys, cool to hear you liked it!

I'm starting a long series of paintings that'll be the Adventure Time characters I found that stick out! I'll be posting them very often, theres a little over 10 in the series and so keep an eye out in a slightly near future.

The reason why it's not asap is because I actually just landed my first freelance job! It's some NDA stuff, but I'll be taken away for just a bit! But know I'll be back with more Adventure Time characters! Don't worry, they aren't all green bad guys. They're all pretty different! I hope you're looking forward to them!

[Image: King_Worm.png]
[Image: Mega_Frog.png]

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that worm SO GOOOOOD. :D thanks for postin these up!!

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