Hey Zesiul, great job on that still life, really admire your commitment to it, I've been inspired to try that myself, hopefully start this weekend!

Loving the studies though, I really love your faces.
^yeah! -definitely encouraging stuff! Keep it coming man! :D
You guys are too kind.

[Image: Self_Portrait_April_25_2012.png]

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Finished the revamp of my sword in the stone piece.
[Image: Sword_Finished.png]
Plus a 2 hour bust study.
[Image: 2hr_Bust.png]

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good stuff man

Thanks to you
[Image: draper_wink.gif?a=23]

Thanks for the good crit Brent.

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Bleh shitty skull, tried a quicker route. wasn't a good idea.
[Image: skull-1.png]

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Some Charles Bargue Studies, more to come.
[Image: bargue_1_May_3_2012-1.png][Image: bargue_2_May_3_2012-1.png]

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I was feeling sketchy. So I did some more bargue, then tried to apply it to some quick sketchy SP's, amongst other sketches. Also a quick 30 minute sketch of my bust from mt sketchbook.

[Image: bargue_sketches.png]
[Image: sketches-2.png]
[Image: face_Sketch.png]

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The bargue stuff seems to be halping your lines! Good practise, keep it up :)
Hey thanks Alex, actually it's funny every time someone says I'm doing something good and that I should continue I usually change subjects almost instantly lol... which is the case here!!

Here is a skull study I did the other night to make up for last weeks orange mess.
[Image: skull_may_13.png]

BUT in funner news, here is an imagination piece. It was very fun.
[Image: omen_May_14_2012.png]

More studies/imaginative work to come. I'm thinking of doing barge and vilppu.

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Late Night Lava Lizard!
[Image: Lizard_May_14_2012.png]

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[Image: snow.png]

I planned to do more with this... but then got lost with focusing on certain things too much and making no real leeway. So here is where I stopped.

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Late Night Grey Guy.
[Image: grey_guy.png]

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Cool concepts there and good use of colors, keep it up!

Thanks Isra!

So for todays illo I actually kinda went above and beyond the normal process, about 4 hours on this on. It's a mix of 3 bosses from earthbound getting hit by some PK Thunder from Mother 3.
[Image: blobcopy.png]
[Image: Blob_May_16_2012.png]

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Here is a julius Caesar Bust study, SADLY there was a much more proportionally correct version but it got lost in the wind, so here is what came before that. I'm not dead btw, just a busy weekend. More stuff to come, I'm just stuck in finals.

[Image: juli.png]

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Sketch of a thunder guy thing. I want a crit before I go forward.
[Image: thunder_sketch.png]

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Small update, pushing through this one.
[Image: skysketch.png]

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[Image: clouds_1.png]
[Image: clouds_2.png]
[Image: clouds_3.png]
[Image: clouds_4.png]
[Image: clouds_5.png]

AND, the new piece.
[Image: thorz.png]

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