calmness sketchdump
Hello everyone , my name is Alexandr and im here to share my stuff with everyone :D
God damn,there are so many great artist here , i feel kinda embarrassed :\
So , ive been drawing (i mean seriously learning to draw) for about a year ,and here's my latest sketches and studies .
Feel free to throw some tomatoes at me!
And sorry for my English tho, its awfull i know.
[Image: robot124jpg0x675heptprwcfohl4n29zivri575arau4n29.jpg]

No idea when im gonna finish this one , sooo many mistakes :\
[Image: guardjpg0x675barpxurn3vdkj4ijzezl4re4j1qbyb9.jpg]

[Image: frogjpg0x67579jmn24vbyory66re2evjbzg5265hfr.jpg]

[Image: BlueJAYjpg0x675uaoz7jzkkm8zd7vig5rdufy8kzaug14i.jpg]
[Image: goblinjpg0x6753y08sdjvqclt05290t40dodimai6n7b9.jpg]
[Image: Scan0003.jpg]
[Image: bot1-1.jpg]
[Image: 3jpg0x675vqdzkl8xawuvunmiptte7bfi9ifi529.jpg]
[Image: 1jpg0x675ej7njqj6pf83erk9dcnoeo1tnzziwwmi.jpg]
[Image: 5jpg0x67585iskxovhoyr2j4iqiwwh9yw1ssxxbt9.jpg]
[Image: sacrum2jpg0x675sveprtijn5igrpb9gke298c1drvygb9.jpg]
[Image: vertebraejpg0x675dntdbs8sfgxmvx6rma4z2rntofajor.jpg]
[Image: vertebreacolumnjpg0x675sk5cdevljarod2t9b...wqxgvi.jpg]
[Image: ribcage2jpg0x675yjdbmcp7uq8h0k9fjoc6kr4o3mims4i.jpg][Image: ribcage_top2jpg0x675gercdnhdewl2qpviq7iu...7q4cxr.jpg]
[Image: ribcage_bottom2jpg0x675zq4akxcczeg0hpviu...ckgldi.jpg]
[Image: clavicle2jpg0x675mlgefhtfoek7f1ort8fe1yqmsvwpnwmi.jpg]
[Image: scapula_behind2jpg0x675zi0bm0bm5s1c3diie...56ogvi.jpg]
[Image: scapula_front2jpg0x675hy0jm1l4b3d3rf6rab...55ewmi.jpg]
[Image: scapula_outerside2jpg0x675t27805ccer7fog...o2mx6r.jpg]
[Image: ShoulderJoints2jpg0x675qc0g7ynsmc59udif4...qhncdi.jpg]
[Image: radiusulnajpg0x675w9pjo7t7y9o1ort6awejxs97fogvi.jpg]
[Image: humerusjpg0x675w11w1r989hog8pviugmz5ekpbdg6i529.jpg]
[Image: Elbowjpg0x6753dih3co02y9442t9a0ds65hpremte29.jpg]
[Image: hand1jpg0x6755qn6wes17osnstt9mhuul26h5iemte29.jpg]
Can't see any pictures at all. Seems to be something wrong with your post. Did you use the IMG insert when posting this?
fixed , seems like choosing dropbox for hosting photos wasnt the best idea
a friend :D
[Image: Vera.jpg]
[Image: tada.jpg]
[Image: hand1.jpg]
[Image: hand3.jpg]
cool mech. design at the top first page

thx guys
Quote:Oh yeah bone studies. Where did you get the refs you are using? They look pretty damn nice.
yeah , im feeling much confident in anatomy with thoose studies ,thx

[Image: 77777.jpg]
Trying to improve my linework , just the copy from some illustration (except face)
[Image: demon_samurai.jpg]

Great studies :) I love the robot image at the top of the very first post, if that was rendered out it could look very very good. Keep it up!

[Image: coxae.jpg]
[Image: coxae1.jpg]
[Image: pelvis1.jpg]
[Image: pelvis3.jpg]
[Image: femur.jpg]
[Image: patella.jpg]
[Image: TibiaFibula.jpg]
[Image: kneejoints.jpg]
[Image: foot2.jpg]
[Image: foot.jpg]
[Image: foot3.jpg]
Ugh , finally finished drawing bones !
nice bones

New stuff here
[Image: 58.jpg]
[Image: 11.jpg]
[Image: 10.jpg?t=1343699925]
[Image: 53-1.jpg]
[Image: 84.jpg]
[Image: 127.jpg]
[Image: 86.jpg]
[Image: 87.jpg]
[Image: 85.jpg]
[Image: 88-1.jpg]
[Image: 89.jpg]
[Image: 90.jpg]

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