Tristan's Sketchbook
wow sir, your drawings and paintings are so awesome.
by the way are you gonna post the works, you going to do at The Florence Academy of Art?
i really love that school but i don;t think i can go there, so it will be awesome to know what are they going to teach.

insbox - Thanks a bunch ^^ 
I'll post everything from the atelier. I'll probably not be able to share everything I learn because that would literally take up all my free time. I'll maybe do a Gumroad thing and do an "introduction to life drawing" or something like that.

Anyway, here's an ecorche to start the day 

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Tristan Berndt - awesome, thanks. looking forward for more of your drawings :D
i think gumroad might be a good idea

Alright, last time I'm posting this. Not too happy about it. All the values got way to out of hand and dark.

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
(07-16-2015, 04:29 AM)Tristan Berndt Wrote: Alright, last time I'm posting this. Not too happy about it. All the values got way to out of hand and dark.

What program do you use? If Photoshop, have you ever tried making a Curves adjustment layer and turning up the dark tones and then flattening it and trying to rework it with the lighter paints?

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modblot - Hey thanks for the tips. I do use photoshop but I believe that learning is best done under constraints. Because I'm working digitally I need to put up artificial constraints that force me to learn how to paint rather than paint something poorly and try to fix it with effects. It's just a habit I have that I'd rather keep. It's the same reason I don't use anything but normal layers. It forces me to think about how I'm going to paint something :)

Here's a quick anatomy drawing. Didn't have a lot of time today because I'm dealing with my future living arrangements when studying at the atelier 

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
That makes sense about the layers. I tend to need limits digitally also, like I try not to zoom in much because if I do, I spend so much time working on stuff that ultimately won't matter.

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Yeah, good point about the normal layers. Most of the times I use normal layers too because there are so many types, I don't know, that confuses me '-'

Man, I could watch a little of your stream other day and it was great. You do good lines drawing digitally. It is hard for me. Beautiful studies, by the way.

modblot - Yeah, I've also needed to stop myself from zooming in. One way is to just work low rez and you can't zoom in. Doesn't work all the time but I use it for quick studies and sketching 

iamorim - Yeah, line work is hard. I've only recently forced myself to focus on drawing rather than painting. 

It's late and I've been busy lately so here's just a quick thing. I'll be trying to focus on values for the next few weeks. 

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
So some bad news. I lost my place to stay in Gothenburg so I need to spend time finding a new one. Turns out that the person renting out the room was somewhat irrational. I met them and got the see the place, everything was fine then a day later I asked a few questions via email before signing the contract. Apparently they somehow got offended by simple questions like "Could I rearrange the furniture to have my own desk?". I guess not... so now I'm spending most of my time emailing and trying to find something good. I'll probably still be able to go to the atelier, just need to spend time looking. 

So I was doing important stuff all day but I did get in some time to sketch 

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Hey man I hope you get a new place soon.

Took a look at your portfolio to see more about your work and found you on tumblr too. I really liked your work :)

iamorim - Thanks, man! :)

Quick anatomy stuff for this morning

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
A few tricep studies after reading up on it 

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Awesome studies! I'm so excited for you going to the atelier! ^^ Great to see you around!

You are your only limits!

woah , awesome to see your still sneaking around those sketches , even though "life" happens.
im sure youre going to find something sooner or later.
same as laleann , really excited for you , going to that atelier.
maybe because i wanna know whats it like to be there, and you being there would kinda help us know more about whats it like. so hope you find out something good to stay to man.
awesome sketches as always

Ooooooh look at this nice sketchbook :D
Nice work man, keep it up!

Nice sketchbook. Loving the anatomy studies and sketches. Might just pop on into the group you'd set up. :]

Lâle - Hey! Yeah, I'm trying to get back into the art community ^^ 

Kurt - Life will always happen so finding ways to get work done when you're busy is important. I'll try and do some videos and stuff from the atelier. I was thinking of buying a small time-lapse camera so I can record entire drawings that span days :) If I can't do it from inside the atelier I'll just do videos of landscape drawing and that kind of stuff ^^

Ursula - Thanks! I'll do my best ;)

Archreux - Thanks! Drop by some time. There's a bunch of good stuff in the resource section and the thread is active. Hopefully the group can push people to study more than just general "figure drawing" and get into some of the more difficult aspects of it. 

So here's an anatomy thing I did this morning. The anatomy is from memory so that is why the legs aren't very well defined. 

I have some freelance work to do but I'll try and get in another study before the day ends. 

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
hey hello! I'm new in the forum, just been browsing your sketchbook and there is some good anatomy knowledge there, good job. About illustration/rendering, i don't know if you already are careful with this but avoid picking directly with alt (with the pipet) in your drawing- it tend to makes all colors very " dirty". Try to pick up directly in the color palet instead :)
You can watch mike azevedo gumroad tutorial about colors it's very clear and well explained.
(Also something that is very important is to never use pure black or white.)

Hope it can help somewhat :)
keep the good work flowing!
Hey Tristan! Love your work, seen your stuff around. My only advice is dont be afraid to let photoshop be photoshop! Of course if you're studying, its best to not use any of the little gimmicks to cheat your painting around, but once you really know what you're doing (as i'm sure you'll soon get to that point) its fun to just see what the program can do! No harm in playing!

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