Beginner artist from the UK
Hi, I'm Rasshu. I used to draw about 2 years ago and I was working on the fundamentals at the time but then I had to go back to school because I could see that I was having trouble with keeping up with the deadlines when it came to commissions, and I wasn't confident in my anatomy knowledge, everything was just getting too stressful. I needed a solid ground to stand on at the time so I wouldn't stress about bills and deadlines.

It's been 2 years since then and I've moved on to a different course from that time. I've learnt within that 1 year what I really want to do in life and that's art, but I've also learnt about my limitations and what I can manage. I know I wont get any commissions straight away (as is normal for all new artists) which will end up stressing me out and putting too much pressure on me again, that's why I'm taking a Psychology course (since I have an interest in it)  so I can still get a stable job to pay the bills while I work on the fundamentals and learn what I need to learn.

I really want to make it as an illustration artist, that's why I'm here to surround myself with other artists who can critique me. I want to gain more knowledge and confidence in art and I hope I can do that here. I look forward to meeting you all soon :)
Hey there Rasshu and welcome to the Daggers!

Well, from what I've read, you couldn't have picked a greater community to help you out and support you. We're pretty tight-nit here at CD and reward those who put in the time to help out others.

I respect you for taking on that psychology course and getting an income to support yourself so that you don't stress about getting commissioned work... seriously, because, it _can_ get stressful, I know that for sure.

Here's to you turning over a new leaf, Rasshu! Make sure to make a sketchbook and get to posting eveeerrrything you do so that we can help you out and see you grow into the artist you want to be ^^

Looking forward to what you've got to show,

I'll see you 'round! o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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