Broadway's Sketchbook
I am just loovviiinnggg the mood you've started to create with these values and colours. Sweet. Push it to the max!


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Echoing the other comments, that mood! Really looking forward to the final piece :D

Thanks for stopping by my SB :D.

I just wanna say sweet studies! I like the floating girl piece too.

One thing I'm fond of in your painting is that you utilize some interesting shifts of hue in your lights.

I'd say just stay focused on making the strongest drawings possible before painting. It's something I struggle with myself, but having that holistic basis really minimizes the chance of making mistakes down the line.

Keep up the good work!


Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
@ crackedskull: Thanks!
@Bookend: Thanks man! Trying :)
@Punk: Gracias!
@Einver: Thanks man! You're definitely right about the accurate drawing thing. I struggle with it too; I think for me it just comes from lack of patience. I'm slowly getting better at forcing myself to slow down, but it's rough when one of my goals is also to get faster :P

Ahh... I broke my daily update streak! And unfortunately I realized that I have to go out of town this weekend, so there is no way I will finish this by the CHOW deadline. But, I'll keep going with it anyhow. 

[Image: eOdxHuD.jpg]

Come tell me how to fix stuff in my sketchbook: Broadway's Sketchbook
A bit more... probably the last update before the deadline passes :(. Still a good bit to go... not sure exactly how to handle some pieces of this really, like the forest and the colors on the foreground characters.

[Image: PzTs4W2.jpg]

Come tell me how to fix stuff in my sketchbook: Broadway's Sketchbook
Really like where your rusalka piece is going, my only comment would be that to me, from seeing it in post #65, I could really feel the depth of it, I think that's lost a little in the later version, maybe the girl is coming forward or things seem closer together, I'm not sure - it could just be at one of those stages though.

Great work though, hope you finish it, even if it's post chow.

You're going in the right direction, man, don't get discouraged. Push it as far as it will go for the deadline, and keep working on it afterwards! This is one of your best pieces, I think. It's really powerful.

I think that you might want to flip her again, though-- I liked the way she was facing more before, for some reason.

Keep at it!


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
@lurch: you're definitely right; I think it's cause I toned down the light values on the undersides of her legs and arms. I'll go back and fix it!

@bookend: thanks man! I will attempt to finish it at some point soon (hopefully :) ). And yeah, I normally just flip all willy-nilly as I paint so she'll end up the other way too!

Soooo! I'm back! I was working on some concept stuff for the day job since my last post, which is really fun, but I can't put it on the interwebs (at least not at the moment). But now that Amit's Environment class has started up, it's time to get busy on that! Unfortunately I have been packing/moving/unpacking so I'm off to a bit of a late start so I'll have to jump into the class stuff rather than finishing the rusalka right away. Here are my first 50 "notan" designs!

[Image: saZJTqk.jpg]

Come tell me how to fix stuff in my sketchbook: Broadway's Sketchbook
Halloween's almost here!

[Image: 7PMjSqR.jpg]

All my painting time lately has been going toward Amit's awesome Environment Design class... more here when that wraps up!

Come tell me how to fix stuff in my sketchbook: Broadway's Sketchbook
Quick thing for fun - saw this cool site

And wanted to give it a shot. Painting's still far from finished obviously :)... Someday... someday...

[Image: T9ZOiEj.gif]

Come tell me how to fix stuff in my sketchbook: Broadway's Sketchbook
It's been too long since I updated this sketchbook! Been super busy with work stuff that I can't show yet :( ... but, now I'm a little less slammed so I'm trying to get back into some non-work studies.

Face study and some color studies. I'm trying to pay attention to the colors and not eyedrop too much, but man, sometimes these colors surprise me. Especially the last one with Mike, I don't think I was close to guessing the proper colors a single time (I eyedropped after my initial guesses, so it ended up almost correct - at least much closer than they would have).

[Image: gwaaSSd.jpg]
[Image: jO1X5PR.jpg]
[Image: WGZQhNK.jpg]

Come tell me how to fix stuff in my sketchbook: Broadway's Sketchbook
Hey, Broadway, thanks for dropping by my SB! :) You have a very cool SB going here, keep it up. Lots of great studies here, and cool designs and paintings too! I'm definitely going to be watching this space from now on.

On those face studies, I'd recommend working on your line quality, your lines are a bit fussy right now. I have the same issue often. :P Practice cures all, so just keep on practicing. On the whole, though, the faces look pretty cool. I can't say much regarding color, but to my (inexperienced) eye it looks like you tend to push the colors (or maybe the values too?) a bit beyond what they are in the ref. Bruises are darker purplish, highlights brighter, etc. Could just be me but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

Keep up the great work man!

"Drawing is a skill like hammering a nail. You might not be great at it yet, but there is nothing stopping you from gettin' down and hammering away." -Irshad Karim

You're a hardworking guy, Broadway I don't have too many critiques, just work on your draftsmanship maybe because you have a lot of sloppy's just a matter of mileage though really.

Your creative juices are incredibly strong though, I wish I could do what you do with color and mood!
I'd love to see the final product of that last painting, I think you're close to something really amazing there.

Thanks a bunch for the feedback guys! You're definitely right about my sloppy lines... that is the most common feedback I get :). I definitely struggle even more with stuff like faces where I don't 100% grasp the forms, so I end up kind of trying to find the correct shapes rather than intentionally putting them down. Lately I've been trying to draw more cleanly but a lot of times once I get into a flow it slips my mind.

And yeah I definitely need to get more accurate with the color studies... but practice makes perfect I hope! Skin tones are still tricky to me in white light, so in that blue/purple light pretty much every color was a surprise to me. My current plan is to do a new one regularly in non-white lighting and try to build a mental library of lighting situations I'm familiar with... we'll see how it goes :)

Come tell me how to fix stuff in my sketchbook: Broadway's Sketchbook
Awesome body of work! That Mike piece isn't true to color but, regardless, it sure looks killer!

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
Hey thanks John! I appreciate it. Yeah my colors are definitely wonky... hopefully after a pile of more studies they'll improve :)

Come tell me how to fix stuff in my sketchbook: Broadway's Sketchbook

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