mateusrocha's sketchbook
Hey everyone :)

I decided to start a sketchbook, as I think it will help me to push myself more. Tought of starting one in CA also, but it would be a little time consuming to answer everyone and post in more than one place, maybe I can handle it in the future, but for now I just want to focus on practice.

I've done some Loomis for the past weeks, however it would take too long to scan everything, so I'll post just my recent PS studies :P

AND I'm planning of having a schedule that forces me to finish at least a number of drawings/paintings per day, like, everyday I HAVE TO do anatomy study, environment study and a personal piece. Let's see how it goes. :)

edward moran study

some head studies

I'm also thinking of starting a blog (although the pieces would be the same as here).

Well, thanks for looking. :)

EDIT: how do I make my images smaller? x_x

2 more head studies.

I did some anatomy and environment (which is pretty difficult to me.) on my sketchbooks. :)

[Image: 09_03_12_heads4_by_mateusrocha-d4sh7uf.jpg]

[Image: 10_03_12_heads5_by_mateusrocha-d4sh7uj.jpg]

This was a busy day for me (not art-related tasks), and I don't think I'll be able to post anything for the next couple of days 'cause I'm going home (I live in another town) without my tablet. Maybe I'll carry my sketchbook, but don't know, have some stuff to do for college :/

Thanks for looking.

A study of a knight that happened to transform into a full piece.

[Image: a_knight_and_custom_brushes_by_mateusrocha-d4svdw7.jpg]

1h and so studies of birds, to get the knowledge of wings and feathers for a future illust.

And with that, I discovered that I need to practice a lot of female anatomy (and that's what I'm doing on my trad sketchbook :D)

[Image: 16_03_12_vulture__1h20__by_mateusrocha-d4t6z2d.jpg]

[Image: 16_03_12_owl_2__1h30__by_mateusrocha-d4t6z21.jpg]

Some hand studies I did this afternoon.

[Image: 05_04_hand_studies_by_mateusrocha-d4v8tol.jpg]

Just something new I made.

[Image: 06_04_tha_gasmaskbug_by_mateusrocha-d4ww668.jpg]

And some studies from life. 10 minutes each, nankin pen.

[Image: 17_04_12_by_mateusrocha-d4ww687.jpg]

I'm doing my bloodsports 9 at the moment. When I submit it, I'll post the studies here.

This are my studies for the Tex Mechs:

[Image: 19_04_12_horse_studies_scans_by_mateusrocha-d4wzx76.jpg]

[Image: tex_mechs_comps_by_mateusrocha-d4wzx9p.jpg]

[Image: 19_04_12_comp_final_by_mateusrocha-d4wzx5e.jpg]

[Image: 19_04_12_robot_by_mateusrocha-d4wzx82.jpg]

[Image: 19_04_12_robots_by_mateusrocha-d4wzx8r.jpg]

[Image: 19_04_12_cowboy_by_mateusrocha-d4wzx6m.jpg]

[Image: 18_04_12_cowboys_by_mateusrocha-d4wzx4b.jpg]

[Image: 19_04_12_tha_cowboy_by_mateusrocha-d4wzx8z.jpg]

[Image: 18_04_12_atom_by_mateusrocha-d4wzxzi.jpg]

And here's the final Bloodsports 9 :) I'm glad I could make it in time.

[Image: tex_mechs___justice_is_binary_by_mateusr...4x2gqc.jpg]

I finally took the time and scanned some Loomis I've been studying... here are some head studies:

[Image: 24_04_12_loomis_by_mateusrocha-d4xl71l.jpg]

And here some from mind:

[Image: 24_04_12_head_studies_by_mateusrocha-d4xl701.jpg]

And this is a study I did from a photo of Aragorn, I think it took about 4hours...

[Image: aragorn_photo_study_by_mateusrocha-d4xl7i7.jpg]

Here is a couple of things I did this past week.

[Image: 27_04_12_female_head_by_mateusrocha-d4yua9s.jpg]

[Image: 27_04_12_female_head_3_by_mateusrocha-d4yua9e.jpg]

[Image: 02_05_12_gandalf_by_mateusrocha-d4yuaga.jpg]

[Image: axe___mogul_khan_by_mateusrocha-d4yfgee.jpg]

[Image: stop__by_mateusrocha-d4yj2ez.jpg]

[Image: 03_05_12_figure_study_by_mateusrocha-d4yuahp.jpg]

[Image: 03_05_12_figure_study_2_by_mateusrocha-d4yuah1.jpg]

[Image: 06_05_12_loomis_by_mateusrocha-d4yuaie.jpg]

Here's the things I've been doing lately.

Unfortunately, College has been a huge delay in my time.

[Image: amalthea_and_jupiter__s_goat_study_by_ma...50y4l7.jpg]

[Image: 28_05_12_louvre_sculpture_by_mateusrocha-d51jqjh.jpg]

This is a collab I did with a friend. He did the lines and posted on facebook to anyone who was willing to color it :)

[Image: bruno_by_mateusrocha-d51423m.jpg]

And here's a dragon!!!

[Image: winter_dragon_by_mateusrocha-d512233.jpg]

I also do anatomy studies every morning, but I do it with pencils in my hand sketchbook, and they are a lot, so I don't scan them. I'm almost finishing my sketchbook, which is dedicated exclusively to human anatomy :)

These are a couple of studies and personal pieces I did recently.

[Image: 30.05.12+frigid+mountains.jpg]

[Image: 01.06.12+skull+study.jpg]

[Image: digitalizar0005_by_mateusrocha-d539zb9.jpg]

[Image: digitalizar0007_by_mateusrocha-d539zc6.jpg]

[Image: 11.06.12+death.jpg]

[Image: knight_templar_concept_by_mateusrocha-d53hdj5.jpg]

I also made a blog where I'll put everything worth it. It's on my signature for who's interested.

Hey everyone!

I'm re-activating my thread.

I'm excited about a new schedule I did (and plan to follow):

Also, the time I didnt post here, I posted in my blog. I'll try and update here aswell from now on. :)

Keep on Daggers.

Its a wonderful start.. I look forward to seeing more post from you..

@M-rahsart: thanks!! Really appreciated!!

Here's some color studies. The things I did on my sketchbook I haven't scanned yet!

[Image: 19_10_12_color_study_by_mateusrocha-d5j94nv.jpg]

[Image: 19_10_12_color_study_2_by_mateusrocha-d5j94ny.jpg]

[Image: 24_10_12_svalbard_by_mateusrocha-d5j94nr.jpg]

Ok, lil' update with my Dan Warren mentorship pieces and some things I've been doing lately. This month I got an urge to improve my art, and I just realized how little art I was doing. So, now that I'm pumped with the new Bloodsports again, I'll try to stick to my schedule again!

[Image: 03.02.13+Dan+mentoring.jpg]

[Image: 24.02.13+concept+Pirate.jpg]

[Image: lifedrawing+01.jpg]

[Image: lifedrawing+03.jpg]

[Image: lifedrawing+02.jpg]

[Image: lifedrawing+04.jpg]


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