thanks for the concern hobitt, but pushing it further wouldn't really improve it anymore i think.. the values are messed up, i didnt notice that when i went from the graphic version into painting. would have to redo the entire thing with more atmo perspective and less light sources.

Anyway, here's a little Overwatch fanart. I fucking love Overwatch already. Big update on the folio project coming soon, too, stay tuned :D

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actually wanted to take the day off from drawing but felt shitty for not doing anything the whole day so i squeezed in some studies before bed here ya go

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yo bro! you inspire me daily, especially this:
(02-21-2016, 02:23 PM)Jan Kloidt Wrote: actually wanted to take the day off from drawing but felt shitty for not doing anything the whole day so i squeezed in some studies before bed here ya go
the fact that you still got something done when you weren't feeling it... dayum---! Th_104_ Th_104_ Th_113_

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
you're the best sis smrr :3 :3 ;D <3

some warmup studies for today, will absolutely go into finishing up the folio now though! i really dig this semi line/simple shadows style for studies, lets you focus on the important stuff, is fast to do and looks ok!

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This was hard

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The cleanliness... th-the juiciness... it's... i-it's... it's GLORIOUS!!
got me like:
[Image: tumblr_inline_o1lgrbLw9P1sjc0bz_500.gif]

kick that sickness in the arse... butt hole-mouth!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
<3 <3

some studies, drawing random made up forms and lighting them from imagination. and a duck.

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woah some awesome stuff here, makes me wanna work harder.. or quit i dunno..

keep it up! :D
Thanks Nada! Don't quit tho, everyone has those thoughts once in a while.

some more forms from imagination being rendered, figuring out color now

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Oohh I got jelly on those rocks/forms ^^ keep it up.

Thanks man!

did a still life to infuse some new knowledge back in

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last experiment for today

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first study of the day

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first in a series of color studies! got 2 paintings figured out that i want to finish during the next couple of days, takin my time to learn more about light before i start

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posting it here aswell for the sketchbook timeline! had so many breakthroughs with that one! prolly will get an art block now that i can see so much more that I should do but can't do yet on my own without the help of a master xD but we shall see!

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my entry for the DS fanart contest! man that was a last minute deadline crunch... would have tried to get better color and study some hands if i had more time, but i'm still super happy! included the lines bc the planning was the hardest part o:

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oh yeah i did these too i almost forgot. tried to apply things from the madmax study while also getting better at anatomy and cloth folds. didnt finish it but it helped me a lot with preparing for the dark souls thingie. i picked 3 photos and tried to re-paint them all in the same color context that has nothing to do with the original images.

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Hey man, nice one. I've noticed a tendency of yours to make your heads and hands a bit too small, and your arms a bit long.

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
Thanks Amit, good observation! I'm trying to get rid of that habit now. cracked Loomis open once more and found out that the proportions as i remembered them were slightly off.

Here's a little WIP inbetween things! Getting into the habit of turning my studies into full illustrations if possible, I'm having a much easier time motivating myself if i build little stories into every image. much fore fun! was tryna go with that adventure-y bond feel of the 60's here... with a little bit too much cream on the top on purpose

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