Inktober 2015
Day 17 - Bunyip (I have no idea what a bunyip should look like, closest description I could get was some kind of prehistoric giant mammal)
[Image: oct_17_15_by_punk_a_cat-d9ddjq3.jpg]

smrr - nice! avatar <3

jones - the last one... :D

13 14 15 16 17 small ones

Not sure about the result, but I guess I could call it finshed at this stage. Eh.

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cool stuff guys!

Lodratio You could do a cell shaded approach, could still so that by adding in more hard edged dark shapes but I think the hand kills it a bit so might not be worth the effort ^^; try and hold your hand in front of you at that angle and see how uncomfortable it feels (don't mean to dig on you, I am hardly great at hand posing). Face and hair look great though ^^

Felt my drawings were being let down by drapery (amongst other things!) so spent some time trying to do it properly. Kind of screwed up the inking, was rushing, the blacks are hiding screwed up hatching, and unfortunately covering all kinds of nice fold lines : ( also her far shoulder, I changed the line of the black collar part and didn't realise it wasn't lining up with the same piece below her arms, so had to just fudge it and live with it. Next time if I am running out of time, better to wait and ink it the next day I think.

[Image: VIZmW3V.jpg]

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Okay, more free hand cubes with no under drawings.

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Day 18 Cthuhlu
[Image: oct_18_15_by_punk_a_cat-d9di2lb.jpg]

Kayo Nice job, looks really confident cube drawing ^^

Punk cat This is my favourite one of yours so far, I think the eyes do it for me : )

I had a day full of failures trying to draw characters, got really down about it, didn't care to make a nice ink drawing today so just threw a load of birds on a page and attacked it with all my tools. Turned out not too bad. Guess it helps to not be very invested in your drawing and get these happy accidents happening.

[Image: aV4GDcA.jpg]

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
JyonnyNovice: Very nice, I like how you layered the image to give it more depth.

Page one, zzzzzz.

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Thanks man! Are you doing a comic?

I got nothing today... just can't draw anything so just inked some warm up doodles.

[Image: ZH7Fo9Z.jpg]

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
JyonnyNovice: You're right. For some reason I tried to do the hand without any real reference or construction. Not sure what got into me.
With your recent drawings I get the feeling that the one thing you're missing right now is shadow and light in your linework. making one part of a dress black makes for a nice graphic element, sure, but what really makes linework feel 3d is shadows from a clear lightsource that leave room for the imagination and follow the form just right.

Kayo: You people are making me want to draw a comic as well.

Two images cause I missed yesterday... university is way more stressful than I would have thought. I don't know if ballpoint pens count as ink, but let's just pretend it does for today.

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Yeah, I am drawing a comic... A very tiny one.

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I love mini comics :D
Day 19 - Cyclops and 20 - Dragon
[Image: oct_19_15_by_punk_a_cat-d9dqisv.jpg][Image: oct_20_15_by_punk_a_cat-d9dqixt.jpg]

Lodratio Yea you're right for sure, I need to work on that! Really charming little biro sketches you did, I really like them.

Punk cat Love that cyclops, those lips XD

Kayo kid Awesome! Looking forward to seeing the rest.

These were just my warm up doodles but they were the best thing I drew all day, (in 30 minutes just letting my hand run free - then when I concentrate just garbage comes out >.<). So I cleaned them up a bit and put the ink.

[Image: M36oInG.jpg]

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Page 3 !

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Day 21 - Gremlin
[Image: oct_21_15_by_punk_a_cat-d9duopz.jpg]

Another double update. 

Punk-A-Cat: That goblin is actually relly nice looking. Great shapes and well balanced colors. The sharpness of the right arms elbow is a bit crazy though.

JyonnyNovice: Thanks. I feel way more comfortable with ballpoint pens than brushpens. I guess knowing your tools makes a real difference in how natural drawing feels. I can't draw with brushes without concentrating either.

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Quick update today, an infinished page of eyes:

[Image: KjqLARu.jpg]

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Nice work everyone.

Cool gremlin Punk-A-Cat!

Fell behind again, then tried to draw a zombie for a few days and had to go cartoony in the end! Need to work on faces and all that good stuff.

Revisited the spooky hut, messed up the roof a bit, having a few days where nothing's dropping right but it's all good, been looking at loads of other peoples work and getting inspired.

Really feeling this guy at the moment, tried to make my wooden planks look a little more like his;

Think that's me up to date for now, but plenty of life crap going on atm so might be a little sloppy again, I am doing it tho! haha.

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That house is nice Lurch!

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Day.. something.. 22? *faceplants on desk* Quick Kraken of the non tentacle kind
Friggin loving that house, and the pen sketching/ watercolour work, all the stuff...
[Image: oct_22_15_by_punk_a_cat-d9dygzg.jpg]


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