Inktober 2015
don't be stupid like me.

I did these all today

Punk, I dig that kraken whale

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Lurch Welcome back man! Great great stuff!

Smrr Congrats for catching up! You're really determined to complete this challenge eh? I really like the lighting in no.18.

Punk & Kayo Awesome stuff too you guys ^^

Some Tinkerbell fan art, I think I screwed up this image by putting 'sometime' instead of 'some time'. Does the joke still read? I'd done it correctly in pencil... *note to self: don't try to make decisions while inking >.<*

[Image: ddiarLN.jpg]

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
lurch: The last house especially feels really dynamic. I'd love to see more extreme perspective stuff like that.

I have some ideas for a comic, so I'll try to draw that out over the weekend.

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JyonnyNovice : That Tinkerbell is dynamite and the phone looks pretty good. Most smart phones have bigger screens than that now though, so you could have saved yourself some trouble with the lettering.

Lodratio: I like those thumbnails in the corner!

The next page to my tiny comic, which I've decided to redo once I finish. Since I'm doing this with no planing I might as well treat it like a first draft.

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Unscripted comic Kayo? Looks like fun :D
I can't believe I stayed up an extra half hour waiting for this stupid thing to dry so I could post it.. *faceplants* I already fell asleep while trying to finish the assignment today..
Day 23 - Djinni
[Image: oct_23_15_by_punk_a_cat-d9e2ai1.jpg]

Looking back at the last couple days, I get the feeling kay, punk and I are all relying on line too much. Gotta make heavier use of graphic shapes like smrr to get dat appeal.

Alice in Wonderland type thing:

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Kayo Thanks man, I showed it to a few people and they laughed at the joke, so I will redo it sometime and do a more accurate phone, and probably do a different pose.

Lodratio Nice fish eye! If you cropped it a bit you could make a nice digitial painting out of it I reckon.

Totally ran out of time today, rushed this crappy drawing of Tinkerbell photographed at a distance so it doesn't look as crappy. God damn that ankle >.<

[Image: qadB4hT.jpg]

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
lol smrr! i just did it :|

kayo kid, punk-a-cat, lodratio - thanks, glad you liked the house, that was quite a push for me!

lodratio - feeling the perspective in that last one, looks great.

I know what you mean about relying on line, I'm finding it a real hassle at the moment too, but I can't seem to get away from it yet, maybe painting more will improve that.

nice update iamorim!

smrr - love no. 16!

sooo...yesterday and todays, i really shouldn't have tried faces, that was meant to be a zombie! hahaha!

went back to perspective stuff today, was going for spooky room but had some real trouble getting the firelight and had to let it go in the end. it looks like there's just a massive strain on the carpet! hah.

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Lodratio : That looks great!

Also, Lodratio is right about our use of line.

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JyonnyNovice: hahahahaha yep! completing Inktober 2015 is apart of my Deathline goals so I'm incredibly determined to do it all! :D and back at ya! You make the consistency look easy lol

lurch: cheers! <3 lets keep pushing!

woop! Keep at it dagz!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Day 24 Baba Yaga
[Image: oct_24_15_by_punk_a_cat-d9e6ctw.jpg]

iamorim - OHHHHHH NOOOO! Hahaha it took me a while before I realised what you meant! Eeeek! At least you're all caught up now though comrade! <3

JyonnyNovice - get 'em!! lines on point buddy-!

Day 24 + 25
I cheated and did tomorrow's today as well ... shhhhhhh...  Th_092_

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
I thought the perspective in that last picture was kind of wonky, so I'm surprised you guys like it so much, but I guess it goes to show that curvilinear is great. It's hard to do right, but even when you mess up it still works out somehow.

lurch: Nice textures in that last one. Did you leave out white areas for the cobwebs or draw them in with white marker later? Either way, it adds a lot to the picture. The shading on the head would look better if you tried to make the lines follow the forms. It also helps a lot with making judgements about where shadows should go and 3d stuff in general.

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Not much time again today, hopefully back to normal tomorrow, I'll throw in some comments tomorrow too - but great job everyone for making it this far! Last push! I need to get my act together and put in more effort and end on a high ^_^

Some straight to ink sketches of my favourite fairy:

[Image: 4YMlxSP.jpg]

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
lodratio - thanks, I painted the cobwebs in with some white ink.

You're right - I tend to shade almost everything in just straight lines, i need to practice following form, been playing it a bit safe, especially on the face because I don't really know the forms yet!

Loving that blue thumbnail on your last page.

Nice pages Jyonny!

Tried to go for a spooky house today, shoulda gone darker at the bottom...

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Punk-A-Cat: That looks like it could be a book cover!

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Yep throwing some darker values on the bottom of that house would really make the windows pop.

Day 25.. getting close people! (Then it's Nanowrimo.. *dies*) Fairy.. this one is slightly courtesy of my bestie.. I said "cicada or butterfly wings", and he said "moths are pretty" so moth wings it is.. spanish moon moth I think..
[Image: oct_25_15_by_punk_a_cat-d9eaqgv.jpg]

Punk-A-Cat - I meant to comment on it yesterday, baba yaga looks brilliant, my favourite so far!

Out of time today, so gotta post this as is - threw some grey on it in PS just to make it less harsh on the eyes.

Was originally going for a kinda texas chainsaw camper van, then decided to make it more like a ghost hunter/scooby doo type van, plenty of mistakes but I had loads of fun drawing it.

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JyonnyNovice: Wait, you draw with a brush? that's amazing.

lurch: The post-processing in photoshop is pretty neat, right? I think if you went and made the shadows a bit more elaborate and then threw a colorfilter on top you'd have a pretty finished-looking illustration. 

Excuse the lack of quality in todays page. I'm gonna be going on no-internet vacation for the last days of the month, so I'm trying to draw up some extra pages to post before I go away.

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