Hey there fellow Daggers!
Hello everyone,

My names Adam and I'm from Australia. I've been dabbling in art for a while and after seeing so much inspiring stuff online I've decided to take the plunge and try make the career change, committing to studying art full time. I'm joining this forum because none of my friends do art and I need some art friends or else I think ill go bonkers. At the moment I'm taking a head drawing course with Glenn Vilppu at his online academy... I'm also focusing on figure drawing myself. Besides that I'm tyring to make sure i get the fundamentals down. Ill be doing heaps of studies and posting them in a sketchbook soon.  My goal in the end is to be a concept illustrator/designer with more focus on illustration specialising in creatures and characters.

Excited to start getting to know some of you

Also I'm pretty basic, low level skill wise atm, but i think in a few years ill get der :)
Hey Adam, I am an aspiring artist myself and looking for an art partner. Nice to meet u too!
(10-02-2015, 09:12 AM)Shamanium Wrote: Hey Adam, I am an aspiring artist myself and looking for an art partner. Nice to meet u too!
Hi Shamanium, great to hear! Ye finding a partner can be tricky, you shld jump into the google hangout which CD have... there's usually someone in there.

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