Yello, I'm Arturs

My name is Arturs and I'm 2Dish artist from Latvia seeking for a community and ways to improve my art. I come from scientific type of family and have nobody to talk about art :D. Except some friends I made in Art Academy of Latvia, but you know.. they are "real artists" and they are not that interested in computer graphics and game art.

Soon I'll maka a sketchbook.


Holy smokes!

I'm a new member, this is the first forum thread that I opened and the first person I meet is a fellow Latvian!
My name is Sandris, I used to study in art school and now I've been studying by myself for a while.
Isolation is brutal, nice to meet up with someone from my kin!
Sandris, I didn't expect to see a Latvian folk here. I'm wondering if there are more of us. Stupid

(11-10-2015, 04:42 AM)arturs92 Wrote: Whoa!
Sandris, I didn't expect to see a Latvian folk here. I'm wondering if there are more of us. Stupid

Good question.
Our country is kind of obscure, but I've found instances with Lavians lurking in websites you'd rarely expect.

Latviešu tauta tāpat šķiet kautkā vecmodīga un liela  daļa jauniešu aizbrauc ārvalstīs ieintegrēties citās tautās...

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