Hello :)

My name is Eyliana. Currently I'm living in the Netherlands as a non-art student. So besides my studies I like to draw and paint watercolours. I'm not really good at both, so I'm always looking for ways to improve. I stumbled upon just awesome looking community and wanted to give it a try :).

Eeeh... I guess that was it. If there are questions feel free to ask :)

Hi Eyliana! Welcome to the daggers :D

I look forward to seeing some watercolor paintings for sure, not enough watercolor on this site if you ask me.

If YOU need anything just ask........ and i mean anything   Wink  

P.s I don't mean anything.

Thank you :).

Do you also paint water colors? Would love a watercolor buddy ^^.

And oke.. I won't ask you anything.. Oh wait, I just did.
I used to paint in watercolors but I was horrible and now I'm just too lazy to set them up :D

hey there, I have family in the netherlands :D
I paint in watercolour, still learning, but might be able to help point you towards tutorials at least.
Currently not doing a lot as I've injured my right arm and I'm teaching myself to be left handed ;-;

@IriishWhiskey; That's too bad, but totally understandable :P

@Punk-A-Cat; That's sounds hard x_x
Tutorials are always welcome, more resources, more better!

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