12-15-2015, 12:45 PM
Decided to start a sketchbook instead of posting to the deathline thread I had:(http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7011.html)]
"Who I am" thread: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7005.html
Week one summary (a day late)
Was able to study at least 2hrs a day (two of those days I got about 3-4hrs in, only got about an hour in on Sunday because of work/assignments combo). This week is going to be pretty tough with finals going on..
Did not stick to my original study schedule very rigorously at all, I feel that dividing a small amount of time into too many segments wasn't working as well as studying one specific subject for at least an hour or two at a time, which felt better. I copied a few pages of Bridgman's hands, worked on proportions from the loomis book, copied a Rubens drawing, and studied Sargent's noses briefly (in conjunction with NMA nose construction lectures). (The photo is only a small sampling of sketches done last week.)
I have a class next semester called “drawing the figure in motion,” so I’m thinking the best way to prepare would be to devote most of my study time next week towards doing specific anatomy studies (doing a lot of legs for a few days, then torso for the next few days, and so forth) of the figure in preparation, alongside a 2hr warmup of gestures and cartoon studies.
Any thoughts on this approach? I’ll have 8-10hrs a day to devote to studying after this week (until classes start up again). Trying to kick my own butt to start studying harder, but sometimes feel like I need to hear it from someone else.. There's just so much to learn and not enough time
"Who I am" thread: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7005.html
Week one summary (a day late)
Was able to study at least 2hrs a day (two of those days I got about 3-4hrs in, only got about an hour in on Sunday because of work/assignments combo). This week is going to be pretty tough with finals going on..
Did not stick to my original study schedule very rigorously at all, I feel that dividing a small amount of time into too many segments wasn't working as well as studying one specific subject for at least an hour or two at a time, which felt better. I copied a few pages of Bridgman's hands, worked on proportions from the loomis book, copied a Rubens drawing, and studied Sargent's noses briefly (in conjunction with NMA nose construction lectures). (The photo is only a small sampling of sketches done last week.)
I have a class next semester called “drawing the figure in motion,” so I’m thinking the best way to prepare would be to devote most of my study time next week towards doing specific anatomy studies (doing a lot of legs for a few days, then torso for the next few days, and so forth) of the figure in preparation, alongside a 2hr warmup of gestures and cartoon studies.
Any thoughts on this approach? I’ll have 8-10hrs a day to devote to studying after this week (until classes start up again). Trying to kick my own butt to start studying harder, but sometimes feel like I need to hear it from someone else.. There's just so much to learn and not enough time