All-day sketching with TonariNoPunpun!
Hello again good people of CD!
Last time failed hard [Image: thinking.png] sorry for that...things happened.
But I will try to make it right this time. I miss the energy of this place.

Will be posting daily...! (fingers crossed! hahaha)

Recent stuff. Been focused on enviros for awhile:

Study that inspired it. By Edgar Payne (fantastic brushstrokes):

As always critiques are very welcome!
More tomorrow

Slow day today:

Edgar Payne Rocks! (both interpretations are correct hahaha) Study:

WIP.Going for something stylized...

(12-21-2015, 11:18 AM)TonariNoPunpun Wrote: Slow day today:

Edgar Payne Rocks! (both interpretations are correct hahaha) Study:

WIP.Going for something stylized...

welcome back TonariNoPunpun! haha i always love saying that.

definitely got the color nailed down yet you could go further, so i suggest spending a little more time refining. if you want to get how payne gets the juicy details.

im also considering posting everyday as well but right now im unable to so yeah ill just be in constant lookout for your sketchbook

@Kurt Jeremy: Thanks! It's good to be back!
 I saw your post on my last sketchbook, thank you for that (sorry I didn't get back to you...I kind of just abandoned it...).
I will be on the lookout for your work as well![Image: thumbs_up.png]

Spent a bit longer on the last study:

New WIP:


Hopefully more work tomorrow!

Spent some time trying to figure out a "model in sketchup, render in modo" workflow to use in archtecture heavy illustrations... the result:

Still not done...:

Spitpaint! (it's actually a waterfall hahaha)

Rushed study:

More tomorrow!

Waaahh it's almost 2016 !?!?! 

Portrait study from today (haha look at me giving advice about accuracy when I struggle with it myself)

Portrait sketches (and shameless study application)

Spitpaint done on phone 

Gonna be spending the rest of the year at my grandparents house, which is in the "country"(not really,but lots of nature though), so hopefully some plein air paintings coming!

Happy Holidays everyone!

The studies with notes are pretty nice, and keep trying out the 3D modelling as aid for illustration! That's what pros do.

Gaaahhhhh! Not letting this one go so easily!
Happy New Year people! Let's do this in 2016!!!

meat- thanks man! I`m not planning to go too deep with 3D yet... just using it to save time on perspective for now (and maybe some figure referencing in the future). But as you said, seems like the pros are banging more and more the 3D drum lately...I`m especially concerned seeing all the "learn squared" stuff lately...I guess only time will tell.

Okay let's get some stuff out of the way so the train can keep going:

First, plein air... I totally wasn't ready for it haha. 
Those suck amazeballs. I could give many excuses about the setup, battery dying, etc... but truth is, even if those were adressed, the paintings wouldn't be much better. I did one more but lost it somehow. Gotta do more!

(I used an adapted version of the Shady Safadi setup)

A sketch collage! Getting back to mechanical stuff. (the "S" means study)

A recent spitpaint I dig (sorta)

(01-07-2016, 03:38 AM)TonariNoPunpun Wrote: Gaaahhhhh! Not letting this one go so easily!
Happy New Year people! Let's do this in 2016!!!

meat- thanks man! I`m not planning to go too deep with 3D yet... just using it to save time on perspective for now (and maybe some figure referencing in the future). But as you said, seems like the pros are banging more and more the 3D drum lately...I`m especially concerned seeing all the "learn squared" stuff lately...I guess only time will tell.

Okay let's get some stuff out of the way so the train can keep going:

First, plein air... I totally wasn't ready for it haha. 
Those suck amazeballs. I could give many excuses about the setup, battery dying, etc... but truth is, even if those were adressed, the paintings wouldn't be much better. I did one more but lost it somehow. Gotta do more!

(I used an adapted version of the Shady Safadi setup)

A sketch collage! Getting back to mechanical stuff. (the "S" means study)

A recent spitpaint I dig (sorta)

hey cool stuff. plen air stuff is challenging indeed just keep it up. dont miss a day doing them . whats your setup though?

im gonna reply about the comment you gave to my sketchbook here, so we can have a back and forth sketchbook communication going :) 
so here it goes

if thats what you think then i need to work on my accuracy then. while im aware of the academic practice and i have been so this past months. im gonna do some extra work on them. 

so what can you suggest the way i should approach it? still life? bargue? im asking about your own experience and what benefit you the most. 

also dont fret about your portrait study it looks quite accurate enough for me haha.

see you round!


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