Something about form
I can't understand how to build cast shadows in 3-point perspective...I mean, a precise geometrical way of building such shadows, just to understand how it works. Got stuck while analyzing the first picture (cube). My research gave no result, all resources seem to focus on shadows in 1- and 2- point perspective. Could anybody help?...

Anyway, I'm going to learn more perspective, as much as I manage until this week's deadline.

Another one - DJ khaled. 

This was very difficult to do, extreme subtle value shifts, pls no. I actually really enjoyed isolating values and simplifying.

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(01-18-2016, 06:57 AM)neopatogen Wrote: I can't understand how to build cast shadows in 3-point perspective...I mean, a precise geometrical way of building such shadows, just to understand how it works. Got stuck while analyzing the first picture (cube). My research gave no result, all resources seem to focus on shadows in 1- and 2- point perspective.  Could anybody help?...

Anyway, I'm going to learn more perspective, as much as I manage until this week's deadline.

I found this kind of useful.
(01-18-2016, 08:28 AM)Ulteriorvision Wrote:
(01-18-2016, 06:57 AM)neopatogen Wrote: I can't understand how to build cast shadows in 3-point perspective...I mean, a precise geometrical way of building such shadows, just to understand how it works. Got stuck while analyzing the first picture (cube). My research gave no result, all resources seem to focus on shadows in 1- and 2- point perspective.  Could anybody help?...

Anyway, I'm going to learn more perspective, as much as I manage until this week's deadline.

I found this kind of useful.

Ulteriorvision  thank you! It's really helpful.

Ok here we go, dipped my hand in this weeks task, bottom 3 are from my head

[Image: 4zhqcrF.png]
Here's my primitive renders, the biggest issue I have is with getting objects in perspective and I'm not really sure how to add subtle details like small value shifts and highlights properly. Any C&C is welcomed.

Gonna do a few without ref now.

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Good work, here some things i noticed.
Hope it helps, cheers bro

[Image: OdE6zkH.jpg]
(01-20-2016, 03:15 AM)MatterFold Wrote: Ulteriorvision
Good work, here some things i noticed.
Hope it helps, cheers bro

[Image: OdE6zkH.jpg]

Really insightful overpaint, will make sure i get bouncelight and occlusion shadows right next time!
Couldnt we live in a cell shaded world?

Sketchbook: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7
Huh, I  learned a lot doing this  (and a dozen of sketches on paper). Not everything I need to perform this task perfectly, but still a lot! Thank you @Matterfold and classmates!
Hope I'm not late, not sure which time zone it is
on this forum.

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good stuff guys, here a double crit! tomorrow I will post the next task

[Image: v686Q9e.png]
January 23/30

Repetition is key

This week the goal is to once a gain make a construction drawing, and then after that a value study.
But, this week we will do this 5 time in a row, repeating the same task over and over again, paint them using a different brush each time.
So, 5 construction drawings, 5 value studies using a different brush each time.
Have fun!

Think light and shadow planes.
Try to feel the angle of the planes, imagine yourself an ant walking across the surface.
Think form, think objects in space/perspective.

Please post your results here for us to review.


[Image: 898b003454301950a478837a5b4fe9fa.jpg]
Here's the first one! Hope to handle all five!  I got too used to my fav chalk brush, so using hard round one was a bit uncomfortable and sure a useful practice.

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Great work! I see a lot of improvements already, can't wait to the the other ones.

Here my attempts

[Image: 3QdHxfJ.png]

[Image: 09PUAQ6.png]
Here are the next ones!
I changed my mind about the source of light, now I tend to think there's only one, plus a bit of bouncing light from some object on the right.
No.2,3 - I used more different measuring techniques  from Proko's video for those, because the reference sizes were different from my pics' sizes.
No.4 - I limited my time , just wanted to see what a turtle like me can do in 15+15 minutes.  But I actually spent 20 minutes on rendering because it looked creepy. And I didn't have enough time to think about the planes properly.
No.5  - 100% from memory. Got a little stuck with the inner canthus..and my image is higher than the reference. I wonder how nuch I would be able to reproduce from memory after just looking at a new reference for a few minutes.

Attached Files Image(s)

Fantastic job neopatogen!
I will post my next 3 today
January 30/February 6

Contour drawing!
This week we will force our mind to think form.
The task is to collect 5 images of objects from the net, it can be anything you want, organic or not.
Then create contour drawings like shown in the subject, feel free to paint on top of the photograph if free-handing it is still too hard for you.
"Imagine you are an ant, walking across the surface" :D

Think light and shadow planes.
Try to feel the angle of the planes, imagine yourself an ant walking across the surface.
Think form, think objects in space/perspective.

Please post your results here for us to review.


[Image: 7IwzF09.png]
Moving this Study group over to facebook, if people want to keep this thread with enough demand I will keep updating it here as well.

here is the new group
im not really a fb user :(

I had no time last week.

Sketchbook: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7

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