kidult's sketchbook
my sketchbook:

studies from photo:
[Image: Untitled-7-5.jpg]

5min studies:
[Image: screenshot-lrg-23.jpg]

15 min:
[Image: Prometheus-OfficialTrailer20-00-19-10copy.jpg]
[Image: screenshot-lrg-04m.jpg]
[Image: Larp_23___the_double_axe_mk__2_by_webkilla.jpg]

[Image: screenshot-lrg-23a.jpg]

wips / steps:

[Image: spacecopy-1.jpg]
[Image: spacecopy-2.jpg]

quick sketches:
[Image: Untitled-11-6.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-3-11.jpg]

some more from today and yesterday.

some quick clothed figure studies:
[Image: Untitled-3a-4.jpg]

wip of a full drawing:
[Image: P1020014.jpg]

quick rough sketch before bed....not much though put into it
[Image: Untitled-9-5.jpg]

late night sketch, rough and random
[Image: Untitled-3b-1.jpg]

here's the final of my livestream experiment:
[Image: scihead.jpg]

[Image: Bugs-014-resized.jpg]
[Image: reba-mule.jpg]

rough comp sketches:
[Image: compscetches.jpg]

detail of purple guy
[Image: sciheaddetail.jpg]

some mule head studies:
[Image: horsemuleplanes.jpg]

[Image: punda-in-lamu-1.jpg]

so I got quite inspired by Kim Jung-Gi and spent the weekend drawing like a crazy person, here's the best off:

gestures photos and my own:
[Image: P1020055.jpg]

2 pen drawings from life:
[Image: P1020044.jpg]
[Image: P1020047.jpg]

and a quick watercolour doodle of my dog:
[Image: P1020057.jpg]

hands, from life and imagination:
[Image: P1020082.jpg]

pen drawings from life:
[Image: P1020076.jpg]
[Image: P1020075.jpg]
[Image: P1020073.jpg]

and the progress so far on my comission:
[Image: NinjaMulevstokolsh-2.jpg]

some more studies from life in pen and a watercolour study from life:
[Image: P1020084.jpg]
[Image: P1020086.jpg]

[Image: P1020087.jpg]

watercolour from life:
[Image: P1020097.jpg]

progress on comission:
[Image: NinjaMulevstokolsh-3.jpg]

some studies from life:
[Image: P1020100.jpg]
[Image: P1020104.jpg]

some figures from imagination:
[Image: P1020101.jpg]

and the final one this one:
[Image: NinjaMulevstokolsh-5.jpg]

Good work on the studies my friend, tons of stuff!

On that last one I might make the snout on the donkey character a bit longer since it could be mistaken for a dog and maybe add that white fur stuff on the snout you had in the donkey study you did before. Also, perhaps make it so we can see the hand that's hidden on the donkey char. Maybe that arm in a different pose? Right now it seems kind of awkwardly placed. Oh, and the ears are so close to touching the edges on the nunchuks, maybe you could tilt the ears back to show the donkey char is aggressive?

Good work though, keep it uppp!
Thankfs for the feed back Dennis, handed this one over so can't make any chnages now though. It's suppose to be a mule, which has a more boxy head (at least the ones around which it had to be). As for the hand I was trying to be a bit cheesy and have it look as if the nuchuk is just stuck on somehow.

Thank you!!

so bit of an image dump here, mostly studies and odd bits:

random dude scribble:
[Image: P1020135.jpg]

erm....I'm calling this 2 cos-players on they way to the convention center....also a very random scribble trying to use up old markers and kokis!
[Image: P1020132.jpg]

cottonstar fanart, Vuis Visagie taking a spin in his gulf gti:
[Image: P1020129.jpg]

rough sketch / idea for a kiriban:
[Image: P1020123.jpg]

studies from life:
[Image: P1020133.jpg]
[Image: P1020131.jpg]
[Image: P1020116.jpg]
[Image: P1020130.jpg]
[Image: P1020115.jpg]
[Image: P1020136.jpg]
[Image: P1020134.jpg]

figure stuff:
[Image: P1020111.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-19-1.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-1-12.jpg]

[Image: Untitled-31.jpg]

from imagnination:
[Image: Untitled-35-1.jpg]

I love where you are going with this stuff man! Your studies are wicked sick and inspiring me to actually go to a cafe and draw the place rather than the people only....I tend to stay away from drawing interiors but they are a weakness.

Thanks for getting me to stand up and try to work on those faults!

- Ali
Dig in your sketches of environment : D

isra-ac - thanks
spitboi - thanks, do a search for kim jung-gi artist and then you'l be really inspired!

perpsective studies:
[Image: Untitled-33.jpg]

figures and other stuff from imagination:
[Image: Untitled-352.jpg]

studies from life (failed portrait of my g-friend)
[Image: P1020140.jpg]

study from life on the left, imagination on the right:
[Image: P1020141.jpg]

study from life on the left (another fail portrait, couldnt erase the coloured pencil so was stuck with a wrong drawing did most of the shading from imagination, imagination on the right:
[Image: P1020144.jpg]

[Image: P1020138.jpg]
[Image: P1020139.jpg]
[Image: P1020142.jpg]
[Image: P1020143.jpg]

two more (1st image on left from imagination):
[Image: P1020145.jpg]
[Image: P1020146.jpg]

more sketchbook pages:
[Image: P1020147.jpg]

figure practice from ref:
[Image: Untitled-2-1.jpg]

figures from memory
[Image: Untitled-12-1.jpg]


from imagination:
[Image: P1020148.jpg]

figures in perspective from imagination:
[Image: P1020151.jpg]

[Image: Untitled-25.jpg]

stuff from imagination:
[Image: P1020152.jpg]

[Image: poops.jpg]


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