Yaniv's Portfolio
Hi there, I am opening a portfolio here for you to critique and help improve from piece to piece, 
so please don't be shy

Here is the first batch.

[Image: racing-hover-crafts7.jpg]

[Image: diesel_wasteland5-1024x576.jpg]

[Image: mother-earth-1024x576.jpg]

[Image: BIG-TREE-e1440437447457.jpg]

I'm really impressed with your work. I think i like the style of the last 2 (and others like it Ive seen from your portfolio) the most. Great stuff!

For the top piece, the design of the ship seems to be lacking somewhat. I can't help but to imagine its built out of folded construction paper. If you haven't, I would suggest looking into the teachings of Scott Robertson to expand your ship and mech design language.

The bottom one is great, but the scribble-ness of the trees at the top are taking away from the illustration in the way they are currently done. That technique is working for you in the other greenery, but at the top it seems a bit heavy handed. There's also an opportunity to add some interesting shadow shapes filtering through the trees, on the castle, adding some temperature contrast, etc.

Again, great stuff, good luck!
Hey that's the best critique I have got in ages, thanks a lot !
Are you a professional artist ?

Psh, I wish. I might be if I spent more time making art. I have a critical eye and I've done my share of critiques, though. Thanks!

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