My Initials spelled backwards spells D(i)RT
Hey Daggers,

My name is Tyler Donnelly, I am 22 and I have my BFA in Graphic Design , and as much as I love it, I want more. I always want more. I've only been with the you since the beginning of the Deathline (a few days before hand to be exact) and I'm just like you, I want to make something of myself. I have had aspirations of doing Illustation since I before I started college, but I wasn't sure which direction to take it. And now I know. I want to push myself as far and as hard.

The Daggers has been a great motivational tool, its gives the sense of competition and not being alone, and it makes it that much easier to keep going. Lets keep it up and show the art world what we can do!


Yeah Tyler, good man!

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