Janet's sketchbook
[Image: tumblr_o4nb9rpb1X1r5uyfio1_r1_1280.png]

find my embarrassing old art in my blog
[Image: tumblr_o4wp5dTIZ91r5uyfio1_1280.png]

find my embarrassing old art in my blog
[Image: tumblr_o4x9ziC2H81r5uyfio1_1280.png]

[Image: tumblr_o4xf8ta74n1r5uyfio1_1280.png]

find my embarrassing old art in my blog
These are really good sketches! I would've loved competing with you in the last Game of Thrones CC tournament. You would've kicked a lot of asses! Sweet helmet designs!

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
(04-02-2016, 02:16 AM)John Wrote: These are really good sketches! I would've loved competing with you in the last Game of Thrones CC tournament. You would've kicked a lot of asses! Sweet helmet designs!

Thank you very much for the kind words! I did really loved the idea of GoT Crimson Crucible and I was quite excited for it but already committed to another similar challenge that I'm working on mainly, damn :P I really want to join in on that in the future, though, people here have some pretty inspiring ideas!

find my embarrassing old art in my blog
[Image: tumblr_o4yjmkTNJh1r5uyfio1_1280.png]

Alien must've been my favorite movie series as a child, so sketching xenomorphs is long overdue c:

find my embarrassing old art in my blog
[Image: tumblr_o4you3Dh611r5uyfio1_1280.png]
A fast study, not too happy about that...

find my embarrassing old art in my blog
[Image: tumblr_o4zbl71zCG1r5uyfio1_1280.png]

Witcher 3 color study, painting landscapes is my happy place

find my embarrassing old art in my blog
It's been a while, I figure it's better to not vomit all the stuff I've done but to just pick up where I left things. 

I've decided to take a break from gaming, social media and anything that isn't related to my MA thesis work or art. The productivity rise is ASTOUNDING. Crimson Daggers is probably the most motivating place to keep around. It's just me in my art dungeon now, like it's supposed to be *tear*

[Image: H6bWmw4.png]
I love Horley's Deathwing art, I wanted to do a quick value study of it to see what makes it so good, but I ended up doing a colored version too, I zoomed them out to a tiny thumbnail size and didn't spend more than a half an hour on each, maybe I should've, seeing as I forgot to paint that little ball on the bottom left.
[Image: gEXLF6v.png]
I need to do so so many value studies, I think I realized that at the end of last night's Twitch stream, like "why am I inventing these values, why am I not learning from people who know this shit". So that's what I'll do...

[Image: IKtcWGy.png]
And a little troll man  Stupid

find my embarrassing old art in my blog
[Image: Wcqes9P.png]

I meant to do a lot of metal studies on stream but ended just finishing one bigger one, maybe I shouldn't nitpick as much...

find my embarrassing old art in my blog
ooh that knight looks good :) Hmm as for a critique, I'd reccomend drawing lots of spheres, cubes and cyllinders in 3d space and trying to place them on top of eachother or connect them. This will train you to see when a shape is flat or not 3d looking. thanks for stopping by my SB :)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(08-22-2016, 11:51 PM)Fedodika Wrote: ooh that knight looks good :) Hmm as for a critique, I'd reccomend drawing lots of spheres, cubes and cyllinders in 3d space and trying to place them on top of eachother or connect them. This will train you to see when a shape is flat or not 3d looking. thanks for stopping by my SB :)

Thank you very much ^_^ That sounds like an interesting exercise, I don't think I've ever heard of people doing it, I need to get on that! I think the negative thing with painting full figures of metal like I did is that after a few hours of painting you kind of start getting lazy at places and lose the "full picture", after I slept on it I found so many mistakes, lol. But good to find them at all, though!

find my embarrassing old art in my blog
[Image: abSdUA3.png]
[Image: N6II8Rz.png]
[Image: Q7UicAh.png]
"Pfft just leather study left, ez"

I was so wrong. I'm gonna have nightmares of painting leather ;-;
I'll give it another go after some sleep, maybe switching up brushes will give me a better feel of it...

find my embarrassing old art in my blog
I tried painting Geralt (again), I think I should've used more references for the cloth and hands, I was just all like "naw man I can totally do it"... stupid!
I spent a little too much time on it (mostly redoing the armor type, lul)

[Image: NXT3OKr.png]

[Image: WflwQVn.png]

I taped a calendar next to my workplace that I've marked with separate week studies (anatomy week, master studies/value week, environments week etc) for at least 2 hrs per day, mainly because I'll start my degree work next month and it'll be a lot of work  Shock 
I'll hopefully stream it all but I've realized streaming makes me a little nervous since I'm still learning...

find my embarrassing old art in my blog
I'm still wondering about the picture display size, I kind of want you guys to see the whole image without scrolling... Anyway, some random stuff from yesterday! 

[Image: FZQUICa.png]

[Image: kXwP275.png]

[Image: BlbcAtD.png]

I'll start the first week of September with a week of human anatomy! Today it's skull day.

[Image: qshqw4p.png]

[Image: sAPv1lU.png]
I'll draw the nose and ears there as a bit of a point of reference of how far either are from each other Tongue

[Image: ezRKH53.png]
[Image: 3HzZVTt.png]

I'll update this little guy as I move along with bones. Have to say this 3D anatomy model is awesome: https://human.biodigital.com/index.html
I don't really care knowing all the names of every little piece but it's good to write it through a few times, so I don't draw a blank (pun intended) when the term occurs Stupid

[Image: inB2rzH.png]

Tried to find the bones on one of Proko's models, it was surprisingly effective, I don't know if I would've ever made the frontal bone so large but it makes sense because of the angle. I'll do a bunch more of these, this time from memory and see how much I fail!

Tomorrow I'll hopefully move to upper limbs and thorax

find my embarrassing old art in my blog
Some last head angles for the day

[Image: mR2jGuz.png]

I realized I was looking at the 7th reference when drawing the 6th one, now the angles are a little similar, time to go sleep, lol

find my embarrassing old art in my blog
Your studies are looking really good. Keep at it. love your loose brush strokes in the color studies.
great job on those heads, there's a lot of good stuff goin on in them studies <3 lets see some from the mind ;)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
@AV_Jacobs thank you so much! I'm trying my best to do studies with loose brush strokes since I'm very envious of people who can convey shapes and values accurately with just a few good brush strokes :P

@Fedodika thank you, haha, I will do from mind, too, I've been so preoccupied with learning according to my schedule that I forget to just sit down and harness that knowledge  Stupid

But I've been keeping to my schedule and being pretty motivated to learn stuff, here's some anatomy stuff from yesterday and today (I'm not sure it's necessary to say on an art forum that it's NSFW below but I'm still doing it)

[Image: bdbRnnh.png]
I finished my Skelly!

[Image: OmBoUTy.png]
But while slapping muscles on him I realized I made the connection of the leg bone to the pelvis far too long and basically the muscles gave him some serious child-bearing hips, Kim Kardashian style. Anatomy is a cruel mistress. So I corrected that but I imagine there are some errors here and there... But it was still fun!

[Image: Uhv4ocv.png]

[Image: 05jSXi8.png]

[Image: CXn6ipx.png]
And a portrait of a friend of mine because I wanted to make procrastination useful, haha

find my embarrassing old art in my blog
Today was one of those "Imma crawl into my comfort zone and never leave" kind of days, I kept trying stuff and failing, one of the things was that I tried to draw one of my friends but I couldn't capture the likeliness so it's just standard pretty girl I guess '-'

[Image: nD7z5NG.png]

But I at least enjoyed drawing heads from imagination (beards <3)
[Image: 46ECipO.png]

I'll be less of a crybaby for tomorrow's figure and gesture stuff.

find my embarrassing old art in my blog

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