About comp.

I´ve started the toy packaging design but....i thing something is really wrong with the comp, the thing is that i don´t want to keep rendering if it´s not gonna work , the black shape in the left represents the illustration of the toy the angry guy in the back is his enemy still need some graphic design and stuff but thats the complete idea for the illustrations and comp :)

[Image: b4ylp2.jpg]

I'd get rid of the toy stuff. The mood is pretty contradictory. If you're going for a Captain Coconut ironic joke, then you'll have to add more silly text promoting the gimmick.

The silhouette of the toy is adding confusion. I think you should either flesh it out or get rid of it. The logo and toy placement isn't favoring the composition either, because your composition is overpoweringly symmetrical. You need to own the fuck out of it.

His head is either shaped weird or he is wearing a helmet we can't really see. It took me a while to see the possible helmet. Either way you gotta fix it.

The details are great as they are I wouldn't noodle much further, if anything play some of the fur down.

The fact that the illustration is of the villain, when you are trying to sell the hero is pretty confusing. The fact I had to read it in your post means your package doesn't speak for it's self.

Thanks for the crit! this is really good information...im not gonna write about how wrong it was, instead I´m gonna work harder and keep an eye for all those mistakes! Thanks again! :)

oh! it's supposed to be an elastic toy so the mood is wrong, and the villain has a helmet

so here it is the new design , hope this time looks better :)

[Image: 25eya11.jpg]


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