browneye sketchbook
So i did my deathline, and one of the do´s on the list were to create a sketchbook here where i will post at least twice a week.
Since i am very new to drawing and never showed anything on the internet, i´m quite unsure but i guess that will be gone by the time.

 i will post more images tomorrow, the light is to shitty now.

Attached Files Image(s)

worked on the things today, but i really need to improv how i view my work because i find it so hard to see mistakes and so its hard to get better. Basically lacking in everything.
and i really have to make the next photos in daylight and look for a faster way to get my pictures online.

Nice to see that you are studying lots of things like human figure,gesture,portrait,forms,values,but can you sustain that energy?As for beginner,don't you think,that you are doing too much at the same time? Wouldn't it be wise to focus your fire on one theme? It's OK doing lots of stuff,but you will stay on the same spot for a long time before you will move on.And that can be discouragement rather than motivation to continue developing your skill. Some food for thought.

The Way Of The S4MURAI  (sketchbook)
(03-10-2016, 06:16 PM)S4MURAI_CAT Wrote: Hey,Browneye!
Nice to see that you are studying lots of things like human figure,gesture,portrait,forms,values,but can you sustain that energy?As for beginner,don't you think,that you are doing too much at the same time? Wouldn't it be wise to focus your fire on one theme? It's OK doing lots of stuff,but you will stay on the same spot for a long time before you will move on.And that can be discouragement rather than motivation to continue developing your skill. Some food for thought.

hey S4murai_cat, thank you for your reply!
You could definetely be right. My thought behind this is just that want to spend approximately 5 hours a day into drawing, but i dont think that those are effective if i just do figure drawing for example. I would guess that more smaller things a day are gonna pay out in long term.
Besides that my i dont think my problem is staying at the same spot and making the same mistakes over and over again, but at least seeing the mistakes.
Does this make sense? Snce i´m a beginner these are all only thoughts without experience so i will be ready to chance my mind about that
About your five hours a day, you might want to start with less. Time how long you can study/draw focussed and go from there. Just extend your time everytime you feel comfortable. Worked for me ^^

(03-11-2016, 03:55 AM)BrushNoir Wrote: About your five hours a day, you might want to start with less. Time how long you can study/draw focussed and go from there. Just extend your time everytime you feel comfortable. Worked for me ^^

i started 3 month ago with 1.5 hours a day. Since 1 month i´m doing about 4,5 hours a day. I feel fine with it, i mean sometimes it seems a bit to much but i dont want to to anything else anyways^^
Ah cool cool, keep pushing then hehehe

(03-11-2016, 05:20 AM)BrushNoir Wrote: Ah cool cool, keep pushing then hehehe

thanks, i will :)
(03-11-2016, 03:06 AM)browneye Wrote: hey S4murai_cat, thank you for your reply!
You could definetely be right. My thought behind this is just that want to spend approximately 5 hours a day into drawing, but i dont think that those are effective if i just do figure drawing for example. I would guess that more smaller things a day are gonna pay out in long term.
Besides that my i dont think my problem is staying at the same spot and making the same mistakes over and over again, but at least seeing the mistakes.
Does this make sense? Snce i´m a beginner these are all only thoughts without experience so i will be ready to chance my mind about that

I will give an example. Let's say you are playing mmorpg with your friend.Your characters are LVL 1 and you have low lvl equipment.You set a goal for yourself that you want to be the best warriors in this game as soon as possible.So in order to be the best warriors, you set time for yourself to play this game for 5 hours a day.All fired up, you opened a map to see where could you go to kill mobs for sweet experience to gain lvls.You noticed,that on the map marked several zones: noob zone from lvl 1 to lvl 20;Intermediate characters from lvl 20 to 40; And High lvl characters from lvl 40 to 50.You want to be at the top as fast as possible,so you decided,that by beating lvl 40-50 mobs, you will get more experience and more loot from them. But your friend decided to go another way. He decided to gain lvls  standard way by going to noob zone and complete low lvl quests for equipment.And you have split up.

In high lvl zone, you have met a giant beast lvl 45.You draw your wooden sword and say:"I am gonna beat the shit out of you and get what i wanted!" 4d6161fd . With all your high energy,with all your might,you attacked the giant beast.For every attack you are dealing 2 damage.But the health bar of the beast is 1000 points.And of course,the beast has more strength points that you.So the beast is like :"What the..." and oneshots you  Cfed93e2
But you don't give up! With every attempt you are dealing 2 damage  and keep dying  Bikep2 After 500 tries you managed to kill the beast! And from that sweet kill you have gained 25% experience points out of 100.

At the same time,your friend, on first attempts, had killed 500 low lvl mobs and completed low lvl quests.He is now lvl 18. Has better equipment than you are and moving towards to the next zone.
With every high lvl mob you kill,your friend gains more levels,better equipment and have much more fun than you are.
When you are having fun,you won't even notice how time flies by. And easily from 5 hours a day, you can end up playing for 10,12,16 hours a day!

My point being,start simple and slow,don't rush,enjoy your journey.By understanding simple things, you will able to see and understand how complicated objects are made and how to deal with them.When you are drawing anatomy,you just mindlessly copying it.You wont get much experience from it.

I Hope it makes sense! Of course, we are all different and there is no "the ultimate" way to get where you want to be.This strategy just helped me to be where i am right now.And i find it really simple and enjoy to follow.

The Way Of The S4MURAI  (sketchbook)
@S4murai: Best post ever! Absolutely agree, I made that mistake in the past.

But then I don't really think he is jumping on too hard stuff. Aside from the face and back, those sketches are pretty basic and I think doing just one thing for 5 hours a day could be boring after a while.

(03-11-2016, 07:54 AM)Piotr Jasielski Wrote:  I think doing just one thing for 5 hours a day could be boring after a while.

Well,it depends on how you look at it. In example,you can study perspective and draw one box after another,or you can set a challenge for yourself, like to draw a giant dreadnought spaceship by using perspective and boxes :)
It will be much more fun to use newly acquired knowledge that way.And you will maintain your attention on this subject a bit more than 5 hours a day.

The Way Of The S4MURAI  (sketchbook)
hey guys, really thank you for all the replies! It helps a lot to hear other perspectives.  Blushing

Besides that i´m thinking i´m rather "the friend" guy in S4MURAI_CAT´s story, because i rather do many smaller tasks than focusing on just one. But you maybe right that thats a little to much tasks.
I never intended to jump to anatomy before learning the basics, the back is just trying to identify some landmarks.
(03-11-2016, 08:18 AM)S4MURAI_CAT Wrote:
(03-11-2016, 07:54 AM)Piotr Jasielski Wrote:  I think doing just one thing for 5 hours a day could be boring after a while.

Well,it depends on how you look at it. In example,you can study perspective and draw one box after another,or you can set a challenge for yourself, like to draw a giant dreadnought spaceship by using perspective and boxes :)
It will be much more fun to use newly acquired knowledge that way.And you will maintain your attention on this subject a bit more than 5 hours a day.
Yeah that is a good idea.
(03-11-2016, 09:16 AM)browneye Wrote: hey guys, really thank you for all the replies! It helps a lot to hear other perspectives.  Blushing

Glad to help. Keept this up :)

some of the stuff i worked on today.

Just watched the Proko Live drawing session that brushnoir recommended, very helpfull stuff in there.

here i just placed the facial features to get a sense for it, no anatomy used here. Guess the general head angle is still off.

started working on some hand gestures, very complicated

i guess landmarks and figure drawing is improving slowly

rendered a skull without tut for the first time, quite happy how it turned out, still a lot to improve though

Hey browneye! How are you, what about your twice-a-week- studies posting goal?


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