Welcome to... me?
I finally did it. 
I finally gave in and made an account here.
Hello there, the names Daskini - you may call me Das. 
Not my real name, I'm sure you've gathered at this point. 
I'm an artist from the land down under, struggling to achieve that goal of 'concept artist' that i've been trying to reach for so long. The jobs here are minimal to say the least. 
I have been drawing for many years, worked in the gaming industry for a few of them and fallen back out of it just as quickly. I'm basically here to improve what i can before spamming portfolios at every gaming company that opens its doors...
I will try to post what and when I can. My anxiety tends to get in the way more than work does...
I currently work full time at an IT helpdesk as the graphic designer and website moderator. Not my ideal career path, but a job is a job, right? One day, we will all get what we want :)

Looking forward to getting started :D

Same here, doing design related stuff for uni/freelance but we're not alone. We'll get there eventually. :)

Welcome to the daggers, Das! :)
Welcome! I work as a graphic designer aswell ^^. Hoping to make a switch one day.

Hey Das!
(Cool name btw--!)

Welcome to CD <3

Oooh, you too come from the land down under? Australia or NZ? Because ahah, I know what you mean about the lack of jobs in the concept design dept. in Oz.

Anyways, looking forward to when you get to posting - after kicking your anxiety in the face and all that ~ no pressure ~

I hope you enjoy your stay! Have a great one!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Thanks for the welcome, guys :D I'll get to posting as soon as I'm able :D


From Australia, yeah haha. Its not easy, amirite :P
Welcome to the fooorruum. Australian here too!
Just start that sketchbook, put a scribble as your first entry if you wanna keep it low pressure. That's cool to hear you work in IT as a G designer. I'm looking at studying both those things...or neither so I might have to bug you about that later.
But yeah stop looking forward to starting and just open up a sketchbook with something basic and you can edit it later as you desire. Whatever suits you.

Who's been looking at My Sketchbook?
(04-23-2016, 10:50 PM)Jacarran Wrote: Welcome to the fooorruum. Australian here too!
Just start that sketchbook, put a scribble as your first entry if you wanna keep it low pressure. That's cool to hear you work in IT as a G designer. I'm looking at studying both those things...or neither so I might have to bug you about that later.
But yeah stop looking forward to starting and just open up a sketchbook with something basic and you can edit it later as you desire. Whatever suits you.

Haha awesome ^_^ Bug me all you want, I don't mind 
I actually did start scribbling something this morning, just a quick 5 minute character concept. I'm gonna post it soon ^_^

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