Sebastien CC 2 WIPs
Hello guys ! First post here :D 
As a Dark Souls fanboy I couldn't miss that challenge !

I realise that I kinda misinterpreting some of the brief (My english is not perfect.. <:)
-Oulz should be more bestial
-Henry less human in the appearance (the human silhouette near to him its his legendary statue)
-About the Great one, its like the Chosen Undead in DS or I'm wrong ? Unfortunately I didn't played bloodborne

Here's some compositions sketches

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Hey welcome here. These thumbs are looking really solid, my favourite being #2 in "the great ones".
Ah Awesome thumbnails dude!
 I love numer 5 for Oulz!

Hey, welcome! Great thumbs, the lighting is lovely!

Btw, are you polish?

Amazing lightning and really good brushwork. Loving it. May I tell you that I saved on my "Examples" folders, of images that inspire me to continue this drawing adventure!

would you like me to improve? check my SKETCHBOOKKiss
Welcome and great start, a lot of these have great potential! Whatever you pick, good luck and keen to see how it turns out!

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
Wow fantastic comps, and like many others have said, the lighting looks great in all of them. Its great to see you explored different scenes for each choice in the brief. Now I wish I would've done the same. Anyway, something learned for the next challenge.
Damn these look good! love your lighting, you have a great selection of comps to choose from... cant wait to see more...
Those thumbnails are superb :D

Thanks guys appreciate the feedback, I really wasn't confident about those sketchs :p

@Piotr Jasielski Ahah nope my parents are from Poland, I was born in Paris. ^^
@wasgodx  Thanks ^^ You should take the ref that I used more than my sketch ! :p Take a look

I still dont know which one I will chose, maybe the one with the candle ? (with a different perspective)
Next I will probably make some 3D props to learn gothic architecture/ get some stuff for 3D base. 

Color study/sketch

Attached Files Image(s)

OMG just gets better! man I would be happy with any one of those compositions lol.... fours my preference, great stuff.
Beautiful lighting thumbs. Really looking forward to your final!!

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
I wanna see that final aswell, you are really good.

Tks guys glad u liked it ! ^^
Here some process, when I'm not really confident I start with a 3D base :p
(props 3Dcoat, posings DazStudio, cloth Marvelous, rendering Keyshot then Photoshop)

Oh, that is some cool stuff. I'm glad you shared your process. I'm starting to learn 3D myself to help me set the scenes, still a long way to go though.


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