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Love this movie!

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Keeping my head down

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UKRAINIANWOLF97 i been checking this sketchbook for a while now and i have observe a great deal of value study and color study.I think it a good idea to have piece from imagination from time to time just to see what area of fundamental really need some improvement.

Also don't forget to provide the reference when you do study.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(08-06-2018, 11:20 AM)darktiste Wrote: UKRAINIANWOLF97  i been checking this sketchbook for a while now and i have observe a great deal of value study and color study.I think it a good idea to have piece from imagination from time to time just to see what area of fundamental really need some improvement.

Also don't forget to provide the reference when you do study.

Hello thank you reply

I decided to draw from my imagination after i get 100 studies

I made this decision , before i actually start doing them via photoshop''

Anyway thank you
Well thank you for sharing this info and i got one thing to say 41 to go that not bad.Do you limit the time you spend on each study? If not how do you know when you are done?

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(08-06-2018, 08:10 PM)darktiste Wrote: Well thank you for sharing this info and  i got one thing to say 41 to go that not bad.Do you limit the time you spend on each study? If not how do you know when you are done?

Hello again !

The max. time i usually spend on the study diverse from 10 min - 25 hours . The smallest could be done in pencil ,but i didn`t post them yet . The longest may take few days ,because i am breaking my limits. This means, i if i see that my usual time is not enough (1-4 hours / per study) i bring it till i surrender or dont have any willing to finish it. Also, time depends from complexity, size of my file (500x500 72 dpi-1000x1000 72dpi), my mood, my feelings, quality of the reference. Another thing, is if i want to expiriment or to challage myself. For example, my study num. 39 was fully done via round brush and it took me 18 hours. Also, my speed is changing from my emotional status if i am sad, it is longer ,if not i am quicker. Sometime, i may decide just to enjoy painting , and sit with head down till it finish. I am carently woring on one study 60 and i am determine to finish it ,until i satisfy with this. Again, satisfaction addicted from how much i see i can deep into painting. Study 58 was done in 1 hour via round brush, i wanted to see what i can do know, and siply enjow drawing, another reason was that the image touch me in soul,so i wanted to draw it. I know that i could draw it ,even furter in term of details, but i decided that i want to draw smt new. I recently saw how Huang Guanjine draws and i am trying to keep up with him. I hope, i have helped you


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61 -Process

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62 _short_ Master_Study

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I love these last few studies of yours. Really masterful brushstrokes. They are all strong pieces and beautifully rendered.
(10-09-2018, 10:14 AM)Shinkasuru Wrote: I love these last few studies of yours. Really masterful brushstrokes. They are all strong pieces and beautifully rendere
Thank you ! I will try to draw better next time.
WIP for portflio

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I really like the red gun, definitely a keeper

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
What the target for the portfolio?School or Job?If it for job what kind of role?What type of product that company does.It good to have different type of portfolio if you want to apply for different type of art job.So far i would say you could do a good portraitist and offer digital portrait.I think it time you show us more work from imagination.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
just some scribbles  and 63 and 64 and 65  _66 Life_drawing Tadanobu_Asano

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3d wip

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I feel like youre using the very abstract shapes in this creature to cover up a lack of anatomical knowledge; like the only part that looks functional is the deltoid, but even that looks weird. The reason people who do crazy aliens with crazy anatomy well is because they have a deep understanding of anatomy and dont just use the symmetry tool with a bunch of whacky brushes.

His arms look really strange and like the muscles dont have function, same with the rib cage and the strange bone on the back. His mouth seems sealed shut, like he has a bird like face, but im just having a hard time seeing why this creature would evolve this way. Id reccomend studying simpler life forms like ants or something to understand why their body is put together that way and of course learning anatomy thoroughly, and how to design anatomy well. Do some 3d studies of high level sculptors of well done human figures and then after a while of getting that down move into aliens or creatures

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(11-30-2018, 03:12 AM)Fedodika Wrote: I  feel like youre using the very abstract shapes in this creature to cover up a lack of anatomical knowledge; like the only part that looks functional is the deltoid, but even that looks weird. The reason people who do crazy aliens with crazy anatomy well is because they have a deep understanding of anatomy and dont just use the symmetry tool with a bunch of whacky brushes.

His arms look really strange and like the muscles dont have function, same with the rib cage and the strange bone on the back. His mouth seems sealed shut, like he has a bird like face, but im just having a hard time seeing why this creature would evolve this way. Id reccomend studying simpler life forms like ants or something to understand why their body is put together that way and of course learning anatomy thoroughly, and how to design anatomy well. Do some 3d studies of high level sculptors of well done human figures and then after  a while of getting that down move into aliens or creatures

When in a fantasy game skeletons move without any muscles in their body, it is okay. When i try to discover smt new is 
it is strange . Don`t you think?

Did not want to argue or offer anybody
Thank you Koala for advice

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good luck

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
67 Life Drawing'

I don`t have a real lion. Bcoz of that i used reference as a model

AND //// ------68

Life Drawing

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