When wolves attack!
Hey there! So here's something that you've seen before; Loomis hand studies, and Maybe you have not seen this one that many times before; Metal Slug (Stronger than Evil). Cheers and keep swinging. Ofc all feedback and critt is welcome, please keep it constructive as I trust that you will :) Thanks. 

[Image: metalSlug001.jpg]

[Image: 20170110_065756.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_ok4qc6SULG1w32fjao1_1280.jpg]

Started the 30 Day RPG challenge, but I'll spread it out over more time. 

Here's a WiP for the main character.
[Image: tumblr_okfgkfWJeL1w32fjao1_1280.jpg]

I like the design of your character, so far it is very interesting and I love the print on the shirt. I like your use of colour here

The hand study is good! I think it would be good if you did more studies and apply what you learn on construction to your illustrations

I'm looking forward to the character design and the other designs as well. The RPG challenge sounds fun !
(01-28-2017, 02:19 PM)VoodooMama Wrote: hey!
I like the design of your character, so far it is very interesting and I love the print on the shirt. I like your use of colour here

The hand study is good! I think it would be good if you did more studies and apply what you learn on construction to your illustrations

I'm looking forward to the character design and the other designs as well. The RPG challenge sounds fun !

Thanks buddy :) I'm feeling kind of lost with the studies atm, getting up super early and not having a solid scheduel is not the most effective, so I need to get that more organized. Thank you for the kind words, really appreaciate it.

[Image: tumblr_ol5skjcgaN1w32fjao2_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_ol5skjcgaN1w32fjao3_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_ol9eh4gmmS1w32fjao1_540.jpg]

Really cool this last illustration.
I find it very interesting. Will you be adding color to this one?

I hope you have found your way regarding the studies. A schedule helps! I try to do 30 mins studies before work, and also draw on my commute to work! Maybe you can implement something like it if you have the time. Or you could just try to do one study a day everyday. It is good way too ;)
(02-17-2017, 02:03 PM)VoodooMama Wrote: Really cool this last illustration.
I find it very interesting. Will you be adding color to this one?

I hope you have found your way regarding the studies. A schedule helps!  I try to do 30 mins studies before work, and also draw on my commute to work! Maybe you can implement something like it if you have the time. Or you could just try to do one study a day everyday. It is good way too ;)

Hi there Voodoo! Thank you! It was meant to be kind kind of a wood-cut thing so no color, although that would be a cool idea otherwise :)

I've quit my work so now I have a lot more time for study - will be posting here as well as elsewhere. Also doing some other art related things in other medias such as photography and game dev (been working as an environment artist for the past 7 years so it's nice to have some time to do other forms of art than just 3D)



As previously stated I've resigned from my job to focus on art full time. Been working semi hard for the last couple of months on different projects and I am currently working on an indie game together with some other devs. 

I'll post to here as well, but I have been updating my Tumblr and Instagram pretty regularly. Here's some of the stuff that I have been doing. 

Cheers and keep on daggering

Acrylics on MDF:
[Image: tumblr_ou45eluHLJ1wuuerfo1_540.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_otpoowxyKO1wuuerfo1_540.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_otpon6c1NO1wuuerfo1_540.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_ou5yml9mJI1w32fjao1_540.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_ov54beCV5H1w32fjao1_540.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_ov6un5ELaw1w32fjao1_540.jpg]

3D and Photography
[Image: tumblr_ouq0b4fn3x1w32fjao1_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_ouq0b4fn3x1w32fjao2_540.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_ov6urnS8xX1w32fjao1_540.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_ov6urnS8xX1w32fjao2_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_ov6urnS8xX1w32fjao3_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_ovg7axAi1h1w32fjao1_540.jpg]

Working a lot on color and shading, used some tutorials from CGcookie over at deviant art - very helpful! Any critts are super welcome, will use it for next piece :)


You have a great imagination!

One thing I notice (and I have yet to fix this for myself) is that everything you paint looks like it's made of roughly the same material.   I wonder if it might help do do some of those sphere studies people do--painting a whole bunch of spheres out of different materials.  It's one of those things on my list to do once I get though the Cube to cathedral class (perspective) and prokos figure drawing exercises.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


(08-31-2017, 03:00 AM)Tygerson Wrote: You have a great imagination!

One thing I notice (and I have yet to fix this for myself) is that everything you paint looks like it's made of roughly the same material.   I wonder if it might help do do some of those sphere studies people do--painting a whole bunch of spheres out of different materials.  It's one of those things on my list to do once I get though the Cube to cathedral class (perspective) and prokos figure drawing exercises.

First of all, thanks alot for commenting Tyger - I really appreciate it! I want to get better at materials, been doing some studdies of speciffic things such as metal but I think they are really useful. I'll look more at that - spheres sounds good!

I have a feeling when looking at my stuff that there's a washed out feeling, which may be because of the lack of different materials. Great catch! 

Good luck with the cathedral stuff - like that western barbershop you made.

[Image: tumblr_ovitccGZx01w32fjao1_540.jpg]

Sukiyaki Western Django - color study

I attempted to learn some new things about shadows outside in the day time, and I watched this movie yesterday. Didn’t like it as much as first time (when it came out) but the town is really cool!

The main things that I learned from this studdy were:

1. Shadows are really useful for showing shapes. I’ve been doing mostly anatomy lately, so I use shadows and light alot to show the shape of the face, see for instance the last painting I put up of the unloveable-asshole cat. 
The main use of shadows to show shape in this studdy were: showing how far out a roof is protruding, the drop shadow showing where the edge of things are, layering objects so that you can tell what is closest to you (also gives them some contourse - the standing log at the bottom left is a good example).

2. Shadows get the color of the sky bleeding into them. I used different techniquest to try and get this to work. I ended up using the method where I’d add a more saturated and darker shadow and then colorpick the color of the sky (you can see a small part of it at the top left corner) and draw that over the darker color using Transparency, then colorpick that color and use it to paint the rest of the shadows where light from the sky is not occluded. It worked pretty well. 

3. Shadows get less sharp and more tinted by the sky as they get longer and further away from the object casting them. I used the colors around the shadows to blend them out and make them more see-through as they got further away. At the end I went in with the same technique as in 2. and I think that worked OK. 

I did not:
- Focus on perspective. I used some lines to block out the rough shapes but otherwise it was pretty lose. 
- Paint anything but the environement, as characters would have been in the way.
 - Focus that much on getting colors and contrast exactly right. There is a lot of difference in values between my study and the origianl, which is something that I am not super happy about. 

I still think I found out a lot of good stuff from this first attempt, and I am pretty happy with how some things turned out - mainly the gate, the rocks and the buildings on the right hand side. Less happy with the red building and the deeper background (woods and mountains in the far background)
If you have any feedack or critts please let me know, I want to get better. 
Kind regards and thank you for reading

So I've started this warmup thing for Inktober called Samuraitember. It's basically drawing samurais and japanese historical themes. I've kept it up for the last couple of days and getting into a nice feeling of routine. 

Here's some of what's been done so far - it's high and low but I want to try and get it more consistent and higher quality. At first I was really not used to nib-tip pens and ink at all, so it's a real learning experience. Critts are very welcome and if you want to participate #samuraitember is the hashtag to use on Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter. 

Over and out - have a nice day!

[Image: tumblr_ovr1758gcc1w32fjao1_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_ovn7lqoQnl1w32fjao3_1280.jpg]

Blood Sport study in colored pencils. Took me around 2.5 hrs. It was a nice excercise but challenging as there are a lot of saturated colors in the film that are hard to replicate with pencils. It was nice looking at colored light though.

[Image: tumblr_ow5oilqWn01w32fjao1_540.jpg]

Some #samuraitember drawings - did five small ones instead of the bigger portraits. Trying to work on gestures and think this is going to be useful when doing comics and such. Critts very welcome!

[Image: tumblr_ow8205H5s61w32fjao1_540.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_ow8205H5s61w32fjao2_540.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_ow8205H5s61w32fjao3_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_ow8205H5s61w32fjao4_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_ow8205H5s61w32fjao5_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_ow8205H5s61w32fjao6_1280.jpg]

Really long arms on this warrior girl for #samuraitember

[Image: tumblr_ow9qz42tCs1w32fjao1_540.jpg]

Sluggurai for #samuraitember - feel free to draw some samurais and post with the hashtag, I'll be sure to check em' out! Let me know if you actually do this :P

Have a lovely day daggers, I appreciate you being here

[Image: tumblr_owbk7xThyV1w32fjao1_540.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_owbk7xThyV1w32fjao2_540.jpg]

Today's #samuraitmber drawing, made with ink then some PS magic. It's not real magic. I just say that. 

[Image: tumblr_owea3gCAMp1w32fjao1_540.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_owea3gCAMp1w32fjao2_540.jpg]


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