Angies sketchbook of stuff and things
Hiya Mannion :D Thanks very much! :D Yes, I've seen Jake Parker's 'Finished Not Perfect' video, it's become my new mantra! I'll have to check out the rest of his stuff at some point. Thanks for the reminder.


Got another Safety Poster commission :D Here's the initial concept ideas for the 2 directions they might want to take it..

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#Caricatureresolution2017 Complete! Days 24-31 :D This monthly challenge wasn't really a challenge as I tend to draw caricatures everyday anyway, but it was good to have a focus and see what other people came up with on the thread, twas fun!

Also the lineart for my private client commission...

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My client decided to go with the Elephant riding a Llama, so much fun, these are the exploratory sketches...LLAMAS!

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3 design sketches for the elephant riding a llama commission..the brief is a dumb stupid looking elephant riding a pathetic struggling llama, so. much. fun. :)

and the mid-tone shading and nearly final colour for my other client this much detail, and RSI, I'm going to take a major break from caricatures for while after this sucker...

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Finished the poster project and had some time to doodle some Maori lady thumbnails for this months Character Design Challenge...

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Trying to get used to sculpey, started with my Squishy as inspiration, thinking of making a whole set and maybe selling them, but I don't want to get ahead of myself. Really enjoyed it.

Also had another mini oil dog potrait commission....

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A seth meyers pencil sketch and I finished Max Landis's head for a painting I've been working on...

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Finally had time to carry on with Sam Neilson's Light Course at Schoolism. 

This is assignment 3, reflective and mirrored surfaces (Sam has painted the background and also drew shapes to paint onto)

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Thanks very much Mariyan :D :D


doodles, sketches and caricatures...

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Hey! Got out and drew some real life people out in the real world this week :D just people sketching at a bar and 1 life drawing session but it's a start, it felt good to get out from my in front of my pc...

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2 Commissions for a wedding and practicing my pen lines in Ps with a Scott Pilgrim panel poster...

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Finished Scott..for now

I have a couple of random toys and things on my desk and trying to draw with pen each day or so to keep practicing I decided to try and draw pirate bunny and pup as the would look in 'real life' :) ..

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Working on my Kill Bill Poster, just blocking in shapes for now before refining edges...added some text and overlays onto the Scott Pilgrim Poster...

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