gerezons sketchbook

Been busy with comissions today but did these warmup sketches this morning, set a timer for 15 minutes, trying to get more efficiant with my strokes. Some worked alright, some where a little too difficult for me to get in the short amount of time (the last one is horrific but thought id show that too :) ). But alot of fun none the less.

[Image: quickenviro4.jpg]

[Image: quickenviro3.jpg]

[Image: quickenviro1.jpg]

[Image: quickenviro5.jpg]


Thanks alot for all the nice comments, you guys rock!

Just a small update, waiting for permission to post some other stuff. Some more 15 minute studies, a slightly longer one and some comissioned coins . Haven’t really done anything like the coins before, but it was pretty fun!

[Image: quickies.jpg]

[Image: sunset.jpg]

[Image: goldcoins-final2.jpg]

Didnt really draw anything this weekend so not much to show. Did some anatomy this morning (like most mornings) and got approval to show this piece for a client.

[Image: anatomy-finch.jpg]

[Image: damsel-final-lowres.jpg]

Hey! I’ve been on a short vacation and then I got sick when I got back so I havent done that much, but here are some things..

[Image: lair-final-lowres.jpg]

[Image: shishkinstudy.jpg]

[Image: portrait-woman.jpg]

[Image: bw-envirosketch.jpg]

Sometimes people don't comment because they feel they haven't got anything to say that would be of use or help to your improvement or they're too busy working, don't worry.

The last 2 pieces and black and white thumbnail are very well done, I don't really have anything to add to help you improve, maybe do some diverse pieces like creatures or something. keep working hard and pushing yourself!

I absolutely adore the way you use brushstrokes to sculpt the faces in your portraits. The texture just looks so real.

Love it :D @
wow, what a sick sketchbook!
how do you go about doing the textures?
Beautiful man, just beautiful.

Thank you guys!

gen5: I use a few chalk brushes and try to nail an area with a single or as few strokes as possible so the natural texture of the brush shows through and not sit there and blend forever and ever.

Here are some sketches and stuff of late..

[Image: kingstreasure-final.jpg]
[Image: treasurechest-lowers.jpg]
[Image: knight-c.jpg]
[Image: knight-b.jpg]
[Image: knight-a.jpg]
[Image: knight-d.jpg]
[Image: knight-e.jpg]
[Image: mole19.jpg]
[Image: mole20.jpg]
[Image: mole21.jpg]
[Image: mole22.jpg]
[Image: mole23.jpg]
[Image: mole24.jpg]

Here are some recent sketches and stuff:

[Image: knight-final.jpg]
[Image: jewels_final.jpeg]
[Image: harp-final.jpg]
[Image: charactersketches.jpg]
[Image: buttman.jpg]
[Image: sketch.jpg]
[Image: salamanderstudies.jpg]
[Image: quick-portraits.jpg]

daaamn... you're getting better and better! Loved the buttman :D hilarious... The golden knight is super cool ( just the helmet design looks kinda weird ) . Great job man! :)
Hey gerezon, nice sketchbook! I love that bag of gems there! I like your colors, very spot on. The little lizards are very cool lookin too - I would love to see a bigger version of those studies with a little more of texture worked on them.

Keep up the great work!

Thanks guys, <3

Tiny update. Some quick little figures i draw while commuting. Probably what I enjoy the most right now, sometimes i dont want to get off the train.

[Image: sketch-collage.jpg]

Cool stuff man, really like your studies

Always a pleasure checking in here man! Those pen sketches are awesome <3
Tons of good work in here gerezon! I know what you mean about those on-train sketches, I used to do some on the bus myself, missed the stop a few times. Haha, keep up the great work.
So much awesome in here, struggling to contain myself.

Wow, looks like I missed a lot of awesome stuff here, I want more more more : D

Thanks everyone!

Sam: <3

Commission for a card game
[Image: thief-final.jpg]

Gorgeous sketchbook!


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