Coinhero's sketchbook
Really sweet progress on those environments! Seems like you've really taken that critique from Ubem to heart, since your environments after that showcase much more dynamic lighting.

As for your newest WIP there, I think you're on the right track since it already looks quite pleasing.

Tried to think of some crits/tips. Kinda general stuff, but stuff that is nice to consider again and again none the less :)

Details, like the texture on the creatures skin, will be most prominent in the areas between the bright light and shadow

Shadows on planes facing upward will have blue tints in them due to the clear blue sky.
Also, warm reflected light will bounce from the ground to fill planes facing downwards. Can see that you already begun to block this in, but play around with exactly how warm a feeling you want to give. I'd say go for a lot warmer if you want a pleasing cozy feel to it. This detail on a Gurney piece showcases that nicely.
[Image: Desert+Crossing.Face.jpg]

Happy paintin'!

Starcraft Remastered in 30 mins :OO[Image: 042QhmA.jpg]
(08-14-2017, 03:38 AM)Adzerak Wrote: Really sweet progress on those environments! Seems like you've really taken that critique from Ubem to heart, since your environments after that showcase much more dynamic lighting.

As for your newest WIP there, I think you're on the right track since it already looks quite pleasing.

Tried to think of some crits/tips. Kinda general stuff, but stuff that is nice to consider again and again none the less :)

Details, like the texture on the creatures skin, will be most prominent in the areas between the bright light and shadow

Shadows on planes facing upward will have blue tints in them due to the clear blue sky.
Also, warm reflected light will bounce from the ground to fill planes facing downwards. Can see that you already begun to block this in, but play around with exactly how warm a feeling you want to give. I'd say go for a lot warmer if you want a pleasing cozy feel to it. This detail on a Gurney piece showcases that nicely.
[Image: Desert+Crossing.Face.jpg]

Happy paintin'!
Thanks for the help especially the image! I have a much easier time understanding something with a good example.
"Shadows on planes facing upward will have blue tints in them due to the clear blue sky."
I didn't even consider that before you pointed it out :D I'll do my best
[Image: tumblr_ouqilkBnRp1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
Plan is to try and make the shadows more subtle and to put lots more detail/noise in the bright areas + hard edge into lost edge.[Image: XqJvpI6.jpg]
[Image: EDd5TUD.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_ouu78ns5kz1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
I ran out of brain juice trying to make the lineart (which I'm too lazy to upload) sketch for this and stopped a little earlier than normal, original was a vertical drawing of an old man walking his camel in the desert but it was too stiff and boring to look at.[Image: OLbQXnS.jpg]
Man you are getting so good so fast <3 give me some of your magic haha no seriously that elefant looks great

(08-19-2017, 02:59 AM)NoodleInBox Wrote: Man you are getting so good so fast <3 give me some of your magic haha no seriously that elefant looks great

I don't know man I feel like everything I was struggling with 5 months ago I'm still having a hard time with. It's like I'm getting a bit better at stuff I find easy to do but everything that's hard for me is still just as difficult and I think improving is overcoming difficulties, not getting better at what you are already good at (or something like that I don't know what I'm talking about) I hope the elephant turns out nice.
The sun hasn't touched my skin in a very long time fuck this elephant I'm going out[Image: jcsyyo5.jpg]
sad elephant [Image: ElkRnUE.jpg]
my wrist hurts I'm going to go eat french fries now
When in doubt add more elephants![Image: tumblr_ov1di66agc1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
I'm going to do some charcoal studies now or waste my entire day doing nothing
I'm feeling super burned out or just exhausted not sure which but its just not happening today. Too frustrated to do anything, I don't even want to play video games, never felt this way before its so strange
[Image: WbdTE4x.jpg][Image: UTZEKY5.jpg]

Really beautiful sweeping lines in your landscapes, especially those sands. You have a great desert theme going.

Hang in there with the burnout/exhaustion--just means you're human. Hope it passes soon!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


I'll try to draw only like 20-30 mins per day for a few days just so I don't forget how to hold a pen. 

Last of the desert themed paintings (most likely):[Image: 5iPjPaN.jpg]
pile of shit:[Image: oIbvbzN.jpg]
[Image: RUCwRQQ.jpg]birbs tomorrow
[Image: tumblr_ov8xgwxcF01suoh70o1_r1_1280.jpg]
[Image: 5y0122X.jpg]
Oooooo, I never knew what to say on your sketchbook because your art is so wonderful! Even the ones that are just blobs of color are very nice to look at. The one with the elephants is my favorite because of the colors you used, the background had a lot of reds and dark reds and pinks and you somehow incorporated all of those colors into the elephants while still maintaining their grey skin. 

Very impressive, I like what you are doing here! I hope I got more things to say in the future lol

(08-27-2017, 03:35 AM)AfricanVoodoo Wrote: Oooooo, I never knew what to say on your sketchbook because your art is so wonderful! Even the ones that are just blobs of color are very nice to look at. The one with the elephants is my favorite because of the colors you used, the background had a lot of reds and dark reds and pinks and you somehow incorporated all of those colors into the elephants while still maintaining their grey skin. 

Very impressive, I like what you are doing here! I hope I got more things to say in the future lol

Yea I'm kind of like that too. Like when I look at other people's  sketchbooks I feel like I have a lot of things to say but just can't form a coherent sentence so I end up just lurking and drawing frogs.[Image: T35c9hw.jpg]

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