Hello :)
Hi, my name is Ria. I'll be applying to colleges soon and would love to attend art school. I suppose my clearest goal as of now would be to get to a level where I can create a portfolio that would allow me to go to a good one. For where I'm at currently I really doubt I would get accepted into a place like art center though Devastated, very sad (and it's hella expensive). I've got much room for improvement and am very accepting of critique and advice :).

Besides learning fundamentals, there is also the problem of subject matter for me. Of course I play games and watch movies (other wise I would not know concept art even existed) but I am not so invested in these that I can design much at all (very small visual library). So I guess I suck at the most important part that makes up concept art but I still want to push forward. I like the idea that concept artists can design or create anything, even things people have never seen before. I also like the constant learning and research that is involved. There's always something new and interesting to do! 

I have an instagram but there is no concept stuff on it (since my designs suck haha) https://www.instagram.com/ria_chen_art/?hl=en

Learning progress:

     Proko gesture (done)
     Proko anatomy (doing; spine)
     Michael Hampton FD: design and invention (hold; ch3)
     Daily Gesture (doing)
     Master Study

-Character Design [subject matter]
     Pirates argh (doing)
     Draw a box (doing; lesson 6)
     Scott Robertson H2D (hold; ch6)

-Vehicle Design
     research first...

-Environment Design
     (hold; week 02)

Reflection: damn, so I guess it's all over the place... I mean that I am trying to do many things from different resources all at once. I guess I should focus onto one book/video series for each subject, get done with that and move onto the next book... maybe I should even limit how many subjects I am studying at one time. (I put some things on hold).

Some of my stuff

Welcome to the forum Procxied :).

Hey you've built up some solid skills there already and by the looks of your study plan, you are on a very good path.

You mentioned visual library, one way I've found is good for expanding that is by building a daily habit of going around sketching from life or from photo ref. Do at least one sketch a day of something that interests you. For example I've been doing brutalist architecture, big cats, eagles, lizards, human figures ... it's amazing what mileage you can gain by doing something daily, even if it's only a 10 minute sketch.

Anyway, good luck with your goals - and get to it!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

(07-09-2017, 09:00 AM)Artloader Wrote: Welcome to the forum Procxied :).

Hey you've built up some solid skills there already and by the looks of your study plan, you are on a very good path.

You mentioned visual library, one way I've found is good for expanding that is by building a daily habit of going around sketching from life or from photo ref.  Do at least one sketch a day of something that interests you.  For example I've been doing brutalist architecture, big cats, eagles, lizards, human figures ... it's amazing what mileage you can gain by doing something daily, even if it's only a 10 minute sketch.

Anyway, good luck with your goals - and get to it!

Thanks for the suggestion! I'll be sure to do this, I really don't know why I haven't thought of this xD.

For that age, you got skills. Besides doing your usual drills, I hope you help people along too. I think by helping out, trying to figure out how to do things by verbalizing the process also helps in a way. Sure, you might get called out for a bad crit. But most of the time, bombing is the way people learn. Win-win situation.

It isn't a community if it's a one sided deal. Hopefully everybody' chips in. Check this out: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-6522.html

Quote:Besides learning fundamentals, there is also the problem of subject matter for me. Of course I play games and watch movies (other wise I would not know concept art even existed) but I am not so invested in these that I can design much at all (very small visual library). So I guess I suck at the most important part that makes up concept art but I still want to push forward.

I think my opinion on this is debatable.

I don't think it matters much if you're invested, or at the very least be interested, on a design project for you to do a good job on it. It probably would help mentally because you're in that comfort zone. But for the most part, designers design stuff for other people, and there may be times that you wouldn't agree with regards to what you've churned out.

So props for pushing your boundaries regardless of where your interests lie.

Quote:For where I'm at currently I really doubt I would get accepted into a place like art center (and it's hella expensive).

You wouldn't know until you try. Kick doubt to the curb. As for the financials, have you considered going through scholarships?

Good luck on school. Future good luck on college. Welcome to the Crimson Daggers. Hope you stick around.

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
Quote:For that age, you got skills. Besides doing your usual drills, I hope you help people along too. I think by helping out, trying to figure out how to do things by verbalizing the process also helps in a way. Sure, you might get called out for a bad crit. But most of the time, bombing is the way people learn. Win-win situation.

It isn't a community if it's a one sided deal. Hopefully everybody' chips in. Check this out: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-6522.html

Sometimes people will say I'm good for my age, but I don't think age matters too much, I'd much rather just be good in general, one day... one day... xD

 I'll make sure to crit when I can :) dw I'm not scared of being wrong/or of lacking knowledge. If I'm wrong so be it.

Quote:I think my opinion on this is debatable.

I don't think it matters much if you're invested, or at the very least be interested, on a design project for you to do a good job on it. It probably would help mentally because you're in that comfort zone. But for the most part, designers design stuff for other people, and there may be times that you wouldn't agree with regards to what you've churned out.

So props for pushing your boundaries regardless of where your interests lie.

Idk if I wrote it correctly, I meant I am interested in design regardless of subject matter, but I don't know much about games or movies or lore which might really suck if I can't speak that language for concept design.

Quote:You wouldn't know until you try. Kick doubt to the curb. As for the financials, have you considered going through scholarships?

Good luck on school. Future good luck on college. Welcome to the Crimson Daggers. Hope you stick around.

Yeah, I'll definitely apply just to see if I can get accepted :D! For scholarships, if I do get one great, but most likely (as of current skill level) probably not, in which case I'll study on my own for a while then try to reapply later on or go to another art school.

Thanks man!

Nice foundation for your age! Good faces too hmm, dont skip out on hands! I know they're scary, but they are the second most expressive part of the body!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Wow at that age? what am i doing back then, you got a pretty good amount of foundation and you put it on the right way on your work keep it up! You still have more years to improve im not surprise if you reach your goal soon. On your work you really focus on people and anatomy structure well keep it that way and maybe you can get to some wes burt level or something. Nice work on your age keep it up.

Quote:Good faces too hmm, dont skip out on hands! I know they're scary, but they are the second most expressive part of the body!

Oh yes, hands... I'm lacking in this area and indeed they are scary xD I will definitely work on them though!


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