Dreschler's Sketchbook
Hello guys! 
My name is Bella, I am an art student and I'm looking forward criticism so I can improve my art...
I'm feeling kinda lonely by painting and having no one except my parents to show haha  Tongue

Some fabric studies 

Sargent's Lord Dalhousie study

Took this orc reference from the amazing sculptor Aris Kolokontes  Blushing  

Some value studies... The blond guys looks really crapy  Meh

This one is a kinda messy, but I was just trying colors with this crazy and ugly brushwork

Gorgeous fabric studies. Love your brushwork, can't wait to see more.

dangelowallaceart Thank you! Soon I'll post a lot more, I promise! :D

Hello guys! I've painted this still life last night :) learned a lot about metallic material!

Hey there! You seem to be on the right track with a lot of things; The orc anatomy looks good, nice brushwork as well! I'd reccomend learning about the skull structure and how to build a face on top a skull to get consistent and solid feature placement (Loomis, and just studying the skull in general;) Keep posting!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(08-12-2017, 12:04 AM)Fedodika Wrote: Hey there! You seem to be on the right track with a lot of things; The orc anatomy looks good, nice brushwork as well! I'd reccomend learning about the skull structure and how to build a face on top a skull to get consistent and solid feature placement (Loomis, and just studying the skull in general;) Keep posting!

Hey! Thank you for the feedback, hope you become frequent here in my sketchbook so you can help me haha! I sure will study skulls & their structure then, I actually never really studied the skelleton, so I think I'll do it right now!  Tongue Thank you again!

Hello! Haha I know what you mean. I only have my mom and my sister to show my work also :P

Your stuff is real good, like Fedodika said, you seem to be on the right track! The orc is good.
But on the dude with the colors, the portrait one with the blurred audience in the background, I think what would help is to group the values or colors before blending and zoom out. I also have this issue where I'm too zoomed in or too focused creating a realistic rendering that I end up with too much brushwork D: Anyways, good luck and keep painting!

(08-12-2017, 08:28 AM)Arteriorrhexis Wrote: Hello! Haha I know what you mean. I only have my mom and my sister to show my work also :P

Your stuff is real good, like Fedodika said, you seem to be on the right track! The orc is good.
But on the dude with the colors, the portrait one with the blurred audience in the background, I think what would help is to group the values or colors before blending and zoom out. I also have this issue where I'm too zoomed in or too focused creating a realistic rendering that I end up with too much brushwork D: Anyways, good luck and keep painting!

Heyyy! I get so happy when someone comes to my sketchbook and critiques me hahah you have no ideia, so thank you already! 

So, let's get back to your comment...
Yeah, actually I really suck when it comes to brushwork, so I was trying new things, like, I stoped using fancy brushes and started using the standard photoshop ones, so I could pay more attention to the painting and not to the brushwork itself (I was losing a lot of time and effort trying to produce stylish brushworks), but yeah the result was horrible, I totally agree lol  7f5341cc so maybe I should try using the good brushes again, but not reserve so much attention to "stylization" stuff... 

I'll try to do what you've said then, it's a very constructive critique, thank you very much for the comment, I hope you come back here soon :)

These are some studies from images I made a little time ago...  

Some thumbnails and a composition using photobashing... I didn't really enjoy photobashing, but, they say people use this technique nowadays so... I guess I have to learn it, right?  Meh

well thats... really cool! Your environments are twice as good as everything else!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(08-12-2017, 10:12 AM)Fedodika Wrote: well thats... really cool! Your environments are twice as good as everything else!

Thank you! Yeah, well, guess I have to improve twice my characters then, because I don't want to be an environment artist hahaha

Today I tryed hands, something I really suck! And I realised that I suck more than I thought D= I need to practice hands more often... I'll do more of those exercises tomorrow. 
Also, I sketched some body types, actually, "a type" of body, "the strongest man in the world" body type, you know? Full of mass, not muscle definition like those bodybuilder guys... It was fun to practise those. 

More hands!

(08-13-2017, 10:52 AM)Dreschler Wrote: More hands!

Your second round of hands has certainly improved from the first. I attempted to redraw them in order to give a good crit and some advise to push you further. I found it was difficult to mimick the positioning with my own hands, and would immediately recommend you attempt this as well and draw them again. Pay attention to the tilt, angle and centre/gesture line and you should see a difference (I am assuming the previous hands are quick jot downs?) 

I'm one of those freaks who loves to draw hands, so I'll be back to chat about it. Can't wait to see more!

Your environments are awesome! I like your hand and torso studies as well because it's a good thing to study different variations of musculature on people. Good hand studies too, and I agree with what AEBL wrote to make you hand drawings stronger. As for the other two paintings, I enjoy the brushwork loads. To me they are gestural

Keep posting :D

(08-14-2017, 08:26 AM)AEBL Wrote: DreschlerMore hands!

Your second round of hands has certainly improved from the first. I attempted to redraw them in order to give a good crit and some advise to push you further. I found it was difficult to mimick the positioning with my own hands, and would immediately recommend you attempt this as well and draw them again. Pay attention to the tilt, angle and centre/gesture line and you should see a difference (I am assuming the previous hands are quick jot downs?) 

I'm one of those freaks who loves to draw hands, so I'll be back to chat about it. Can't wait to see more!

Hey! Thank you for the feedback! I will follow your advice and redraw the hands, I feel like each time I try again I learn something more (kinda dumb to say that, cause it's something obvious, but anyway haha);

-- And actually, the previous hands I did, took me a lot of time! It wasn't as quick as you might think hahaha I really suck at drawing hands, in fact. But the second round were a lot easier to understand.

Please come back to help me, you are very welcome :)

(08-14-2017, 12:39 PM)Arteriorrhexis Wrote: Your environments are awesome! I like your hand and torso studies as well because it's a good thing to study different variations of musculature on people. Good hand studies too, and I agree with what AEBL wrote to make you hand drawings stronger. As for the other two paintings, I enjoy the brushwork loads. To me they are gestural

Keep posting :D

Thank you for the feedback!

Some gesture from a reference, the guy should look foreshortened... I also tried to apply a bit o value on it but I didn't succeed at all Tongue
-- in the right corner there's a comparison of my values and the ones in reference used.

Just a sketch... had a lot of fun with this one  :) 


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