The Good Fight
Big Grin 
My art thread which I really hope I will update regularly.

>>My intro thread link<<

Big Grin 
I am really intimidated and inspired by other peoples' threads. Stupid
Here are some insects I've done using reference, tomorrow I will try and come up with my own creatures.

[Image: R57Ekza.jpg]

Also could someone help me upload images. I'm not sure how.
When I drag and drop, the message is too long, when I insert by URL, it's broken. :(

Nvm, got it!

Very nice studies. Are your new creatures going to be insect based?

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Hey there, keep fighting the good fight! Also, nice studies you got there. And cheers!

Why do you complain of your fate when you could so easily change it?
(08-31-2017, 04:14 PM)Tygerson Wrote: Very nice studies.  Are your new creatures going to be insect based?

Thanks :)

Weeell, beetle based specifically. I haven't researched other insects yet.

(09-01-2017, 04:29 AM)devares Wrote: Hey there, keep fighting the good fight! Also, nice studies you got there. And cheers!

Thank ya, you too! :)

I came up with some by biomes. I tried not to use reference and draw by memory. My goal was mainly to make them "believable" and "functional". Some make more sense than others. :p

[Image: R6Xt2lg.jpg]

good start ! show us more !

kikindafacegood start ! show us more !

Thanks! :)
I don't feel like posting old stuff, I kinda hate it now. :p So I'm just gonna post my drawings since joining the forum.

I was feeling a bit uninspired today so I did a nude study. The human body is one of my weaknesses. Male even more so than female.

I painted the values first in b&w and then improvised the palette.

[Image: TybPoVb.jpg]

Oh, I love the new beetles! The seaside one is probably my favorite, with the pearly shell and spiral. I love that the snow beetle is a firefly--instant appeal there. I really like the gloss to the wings and shells, and the variety of wing shapes.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


(09-02-2017, 06:46 AM)Tygerson Wrote: Oh, I love the new beetles!  The seaside one is probably my favorite, with the pearly shell and spiral.  I love that the snow beetle is a firefly--instant appeal there.  I really like the gloss to the wings and shells, and the variety of wing shapes.

Thanks! It's my favourite too. I was thinking how to make it look like it belongs near the sea, so I thought: camouflage :D

A quick painting of a pic I found on pinterest:
[Image: M8l4O1E.jpg]

ASOIAF fanart I will hopefully paint tomorrow. Try and guess who the sisters are. <:

[Image: uRroHl8.jpg]

Here is one of them, I am soo slow. Things to work on: HANDS. and textures.
[Image: qwh1WQl.jpg]

These aren't very interesting, but if I didn't feel obliged to post, I'd probably procrastinate more. :p

I got this idea form A Chi's sketchbook. 10 pose studies, 5 design studies per day. 1 finished painting per week. 2 months time.
The design studies are referenced from the art of Heroes of Might and Magic 7.

[Image: 68gu1Ce.jpg][Image: SW89ujq.jpg]

More of the same. I reference the poses from Croquis cafe on youtube.

[Image: J82bY1O.jpg][Image: 8Qz9Hrg.jpg]

Dailies. Again, Croquis cafe and Heroes of Might and Magic credited.
I also started learning 3d a bit. c:

[Image: hlJ5zlO.jpg][Image: vRJSrlZ.jpg][Image: MdTXMQk.jpg]

I decided to do my studies on paper since it doesn't hurt my hand as much.

Something I started a month ago and repainted today:
[Image: XD7NueZ.jpg]

1h studies:
[Image: HpvfzX6.jpg]
[Image: RdqNY3J.jpg]
[Image: ZW0qyv7.jpg]
[Image: YRpaqzk.jpg]

A character I'd like to draw more of:
[Image: 99i4h8h.jpg]


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