Sword's Book of Sketch
Hello everybody! 

To summarize what my focus art wise is, I'm looking to get into storyboarding and animation. I've been out of practice for a bit actually so I've just been practicing some fundamentals for now.
I'm working mostly on:

Here's some of what I've done:
[Image: Kc3LRQc.png][Image: dTCnCl6.png]
[Image: Ra2QN2M.png]

These are some mini tutorials I made for myself. One is 2 years ago, the perspective ones I made like 20 minutes ago and thought it might help somebody. (The perspective ones were a summary of a really good one tutorial somebody posted on the forum)

[Image: D7hOelF.jpg]
[Image: f9tkD7W.png]
[Image: 0ajQyFT.png]

And now here I started studying how squirrels are constructed (Don't ask why). 3 are from reference, one is not.

[Image: w6zSVax.png]
[Image: beFmcW0.png]
Cool stuff, have you ever thought of drawing out the anatomy of a body out completely? Your bodys lack the anatomical knowledge of bone and muscle. If you take a photo and draw out all of the anatomy underneath you will see a huge jump in your skills with everything.
Actually that's a great exercise! Yeah you're right. I've been studying how bones work independently but haven't tried them out in unison. Muscles.... need to get there yet.

But thanks mchammer, I'll focus on working on that and upload the results.
A good place you could start back is well where all rusty artist need to go back.
Doing simple geometric form in perspective.With just this simple exercise you can than start moving to harder subject.
Once you learned the perspective basicly you can than start making you own still life learning about all the other fundamental.If you can't draw a cube in perspective there no much reason to be doing more complex drawing because you will not have the understanding needed to create the illusion of 3d space on a 2d surface.

Why i suggest to go back to doing that simple exercise is because as much as you want to avoid perspective the more you push it away the more you will realise how much you should of had tackle that fundamental in the first place.

I got two comment but those are point that should be dealt later on since you should be now focusing on perspective.
Don't be afraid to do a lightly sketched construction drawing.Once you can gain confidence you will be able to ignore it for now you should use it to help you don't make the error of overlooking this part.

Learn about light if you don't know how light work most drawing will appear flat.

You got the right attitude so far taking note is really essential at any level aslong as you take it seriously.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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