Just some of my studies :)
I have serious issues with arms  Sick, puke

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Lot of energy with an apparent leak of anatomy study to show your going ''in the right" direction.Your appoch seem more like you constantly have to redefine the line instead of sitting on an understanding of the body construction.

I perhaps you heard of the term mannequin you just contently like a sculptor learn to add new layer to it with your knowledge of anatomy.

Maybe you have heard of loomis he teach one of the most well know approch to drawing the human mannequin.You can find is book in the resource section of this forum if you look carefully enough.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(12-30-2018, 11:47 PM)darktiste Wrote: Lot of energy with an apparent leak of anatomy study to show your going ''in the right" direction.Your appoch seem more like you constantly have to redefine the line instead of sitting on an understanding of the body construction.

I perhaps you heard of the term mannequin you just contently like a sculptor learn to add new layer to it with your knowledge of anatomy.

Maybe you have heard of loomis he teach one of the most well know approch to drawing the human mannequin.You can find is book in the resource section of this forum if you look carefully enough.

Yeah I've heard of Loomis, I have one of his books on figure drawing, by the way, thanks for your comment.
You are totally right about my need to redefine the line, I will surely work on that :)

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