Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in!
Just put the copyright smaller if you are going to add it to everything.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(11-30-2022, 11:45 AM)darktiste Wrote: Just put the copyright smaller if you are going to add it to everything.


To let the artwork breath look at my first page in my sketchbook you will understand you aren't as bad as i was in that veins i would say.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Love the alien couple designs, great style there! Your technique seems to be improving as well, keep it up!

Thanks Dark and George.  

Glad you like the designs George.  I have been working a lot on my technique — so I'm happy if that's coming through!

Thanks again


Looks like I'm gonna get a few more images posted here as we wind down 2022.  Seems like I just wrote that back in 2021....

[Image: tongue.png]

Here's a new one I finally got around to finishing (I'd posted a couple of WIPS of it back on page 3 here).

And a new WIP of a sketch (I posted on page 5).  This is very rough test and things will likely change a lot as I dial it in.

Here's a look at my finished, personal digital paintings (not counting sketches and WIPS) from 2022.  Including today's — I managed to post an even dozen this year here on CD.

Just landed a good commission that will pay OK when completed — and the promise of of more work down the road — so I plan to work like a mad-man on it to make sure I get the other work.

As encouragement to everyone else here painting/drawing their fingers to the bone — one of the things he cited about choosing me for the project — is the attention to detail he saw on the art I share on-line.  

[Image: sun.png]

That commission might slow me down from posting here but I'll try to look in and comment on ever'body's SBs when I have a moment.


Anywho — hope you've had a GREAT year and 2023 will bring you VERY good things!!


Oh — forgot to say I've been pleased to find that some of you CD peeps visited my video flip-book even though I only can post a link.    It went from around 100 views to 350 since I posted the link on the last page.

Here it is again for anyone interested.


Happy New Year! Awesome update with your latest, the color choices are excellent!

Hey Jephyr! I have some hefty backlog reading your sketchbook so I wallowed in illiteracy and mostly looked at the many pictures from your phantasmagoric universe. For some reason, the ones with rabbits kept my attention the most, especially the traveler with the bunny cart. And the bunny trying to pilot the plane from its remote :P

So, what's in store for 2023?

*Whistling to the sky* I'd like to see a comic page with at least six panels

Just boppin' in to see what everyone else was up to.

Thanks so much CG! Glad to hear you like my color choices.

Hi Leo! Yeah — I can go on a bit can't I. I blame it on growing up surrounded by women — I mean seriously! Everyone in my home as a kid was female and all my cousins were females and there were only a few boys in my neighborhood — and they were either older or younger. I've had girlfriends say they've never met a guy who likes to talk as much as I do. (My guy card is probably going to be revoked : )

Anyway — I'm up to my neck in other work — but did manage to open the traveler/bunny pic and do a little work on it — so thanks for that!

Glad you like the bunnies too — dunno why they keep showing up in a lot of my work.

I might hafta steal the phrase phantasmagoric universe — I love that!

Thanks so much for commenting and for the kind words. Hope you keep posting here too!!

Hey Jepho,

I really like the color scheme and contrast of that painting with the tree lady, and her huge quads. A real Quadzilla. It seems like you're much more confident with using bolder colors and light/dark contrasts than before.

Glad to hear you landed a decent commission with what sounds like an appreciative client.

Also, I don't think you go on too much. Your posts are always entertaining.

Hope 2023 will be an overall good year for you!
(02-26-2023, 03:00 AM)Pubic Enemy Wrote: Also, I don't think you go on too much. Your posts are always entertaining.

Ditto! My huge backlog is what made me skip the text at the time. Rich conversation elevates this forum over the antisocial network platforms.

Good luck with your current work, and see you soon!

Hiya PE and Leo,

I KNOW I've been AWOL from Daggers — hope you both and ALL the Daggers had a great 2023!

Thank you both so much for the kind words — (loving that phrase Quadzilla PE!  [Image: tongue.png] ) and for being accepting of my...err...story telling. [Image: thumbsup.png]

That client ultimately began to give me the runaround, PE, but he paid for my work up front so I'm not complaining at all about that.

I took a lot of time off from making personal art and uploading here to perform with a band (something I hadn't done in YEARS) — and did a LOT of photography, YouTube/Vimeo thumbnails and PowerPoints for a group over the last year. 

That all was VERY time consuming and I just got back in the last 2 months to making personal art and it was like opening the flood-gates of creativity for me!

Thanks again to both of you for commenting!


In no particular order here's some stuff I finished or am working on over the last couple of months since I got back to arting — I call this first one Invasion and it's based off an old sketch I drew.

Here's an early color test of that (I was still working on the character design)

A work in progress ('Liquid Courage')

Was commissioned to do this photo study of a 'kid in a zoot suit' <you can find the original photo with a search using that term) I made the kid a little less chubby and a bit older than the photo

A digital 'sketchy' update of a character I did in my 'real-world'  sketchbook a while back.

And a color version I just finished

Liked that concept enough I put him on a bike.  I don't do a lot of mechanical stuff so this was a fun challenge I will do more of

I did a sketch AGES ago and just found it and reworked it a bit and added a color test and a quick photo-bash background — definitely a work in progress but the concept makes me smile

And three more character designs painted over old sketches — the first one a rough WIP and the other two quick color versions  in similar styles I'll call done


That'll do it for today.  I spent a lot of the last two days updating my website and feel kinda spent — but as soon as possible I'll look around and comment in my fellow Daggers sketchbooks

Ciao fer now

Awesome updates! Loving the variety especially. My favorites are the last two creatures. As for critiques, I would say maybe the eyes look a bit too human like, which is what you might have been going for, but maybe something more animal or alien like might have worked better depending on what you're trying to accomplish. Keep up the solid work!

The surrealist man is back with his creatures, symbols and rabbits! Yeah, the rabbits! :)

But this time it's the duck that catches my attention. The scene is puzzling but it lets me make up whatever story I want.


Hi Daggers,

Thanks Leo and George!  

Leo, I think when I finish the the duck pic I might share the 'story' behind it — glad it caught your eye.  

George, most of my cartoony animals lean towards those Disney animal eyes — and my other humanoid characters are meant to be hybrids and so I've kinda stuck with more human eyes on most of them — but will definitely take that suggestion and mull it over for future efforts.

Thanks again to both of you.


Leo, I just happened to finish another bunny pic.  So yeah — I got bunnies on me brain.  Here in the desert you see them every where so maybe that's why they keep popping up in my work.

Anywho, here's the latest bunny and a work in progress in the same vein.


and the WIP

Thanks for stopping by and commenting

I am waiting for the 2023 retrospective of your work.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Loving the two latest, very well drawn as always. Great expressions too, full of character! Well done!

Hi Daggers

Dark:  Yeah this year was pretty lean when it came to me making personal art.  So you'll hafta wait until the end of this year for a retrospective.  : )

Thanks so much George. I appreciate the encouragement. 

I finished off the deer and made a number changes on his head based on feedback I got from a few 'real world' peeps. I used references for his coat so animal lovers might recognize his White Tail markings.

As for his GIANT schnazola in the WIP — I was trying to go for an Emperor's New Groove kinda thang — but like the new look better

Here's some new and old WIPs I'm doing.

The first portrait is of a guy at a place I go to many times a week.  He has a ton of curly hair and beard and I asked him if I could take some photos and do a digital painting of him.

It inadvertently became a good self promotion tool, because as I got started MANY of his co-workers became interested and I had a steady stream coming by to take a look.

They were complimentary and said it looked like him (even though I'm just starting it) and then one young woman commissioned me to do a portrait of her son.

I get attention when I work in public — but not like this!  Not sure I want to become an exclusive portrait painter but if it help pay the bills then........

Thanks for looking in Daggers

These look great! Your WIP is very solid, the skin tones for the first image are very well done and I love the Spider-Pig concept!! Looking forward to seeing them developed further!

Thanks so much George — you really did a great job with skin tones with your latest — and hopefully my new portrait will show some of the same.

I actually enjoyed the process of painting it more than I imagined — and best of all, I've gotten way more portrait commission interest from people as I've been sharing this one around.

OTOH —I hadn't done any serious portrait work for a LONG time — other than caricatures and cartoony critters — and discovered how rusty I am.

Anywho — thanks to anyone who looks in.

Until next time, Ciao Daggers......

Jephyr that piece is ridiculously taking me by surpris.Not what i was exepecting.

One question i have does he have that baby skin or is this a personal choose?

I think a bit of wrinkle and beauty mark would give the finaly touch if he as any.

Otherwise i am floored.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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