Jerry's Sketchbook ( Noooobie )
Lots of hard work here, that's great! Don't be afraid to slow down and take your time with your gestures and landscape studies. Especially your landscape studies, spend some more time with them as they're all over the place. Break down what you see into foreground, middleground and background, then go from there. Otherwise, keep it up with all the hard work!
(07-16-2012, 08:14 AM)stace Wrote: Lots of hard work here, that's great! Don't be afraid to slow down and take your time with your gestures and landscape studies. Especially your landscape studies, spend some more time with them as they're all over the place. Break down what you see into foreground, middleground and background, then go from there. Otherwise, keep it up with all the hard work!

thanks stace, But there just quick 10min 100 opacity block in studies, seeing how much i can see of the colour in a short period of time ! but i do want to do some proper environment studies ! Thanks for the kind words :)

Some studies and stuff from imagination trying to see what i remember, also read a TON of colour theory, very interesting but i need to read more !

[Image: sketch-3.jpg][Image: snapshot-21.png][Image: snapshot-22.png][Image: snapshot-23.png][Image: snapshot-24.png][Image: snapshot-25.png][Image: snapshot-26.png][Image: 30secondgesutres.jpg][Image: eyetutorial.jpg][Image: headsketchplayaroundwithstuff.jpg][Image: landscape.jpg][Image: sketch-4.jpg]
here is the stuff from today and yesterday, wrote up a schedule and trying to get less distracted while i study ! want to power through this hump where i cant draw the things i want !

[Image: snapshot-27.png][Image: snapshot-28.png][Image: snapshot-29.png][Image: snapshot-30.png][Image: snapshot-31.png][Image: snapshot-32.png][Image: snapshot-33.png][Image: snapshot-34.png][Image: snapshot-35.png][Image: handsketch.jpg][Image: handsketch1.jpg][Image: Hanz.jpg][Image: Screencap2.jpg][Image: screencap.jpg][Image: Skintone.jpg]
Hey all ! here is some stuff from the past 2 days, Still sucking at anatomy booo ! haha
but im going to focus back on head drawing LOTS for the next few days, I really want to get them down abit better. 2 screen caps and the rest from imagination, Trying out soft brush too, was eh.. i like hard round much better but maybe i just need to practice with it more

[Image: snapshot-36.png]
[Image: snapshot-37.png][Image: snapshot-38.png][Image: snapshot-39.png][Image: 30secondgestures-1.jpg][Image: 30secondgestures-1.jpg][Image: doodle-2.jpg][Image: doodle1.jpg][Image: moredoodles.jpg][Image: Screencapstudy.jpg][Image: screencapstudy-1.jpg][Image: softroundtest.jpg]
Hey Jerry nice job on studying, scan some of the drawings next time, and put them in Photoshop and heighten contrast, if you can.

(07-23-2012, 08:37 AM)Jamesxwu Wrote: Hey Jerry nice job on studying, scan some of the drawings next time, and put them in Photoshop and heighten contrast, if you can.

thanks James ! i need to get another scanner but when i have the money i will ! :)

Decided to work on heads alot, Im realizing that my construction is way worse then i thought it was, and that is what is causing alot of issue ! so more practice :) and trying painting with the RGB sliders, trying to think of light

[Image: headsketch.jpg][Image: IMG_0015.jpg][Image: IMG_0016.jpg][Image: IMG_0017.jpg][Image: IMG_0018.jpg][Image: IMG_0019.jpg][Image: IMG_0020.jpg][Image: nerd.jpg][Image: Untitled-1-1.jpg]
Today i did some pencil study and it was suuuuuper fun ! Slowed right down and focused alot on construction, im starting to think its not drawing itself that is difficult, but its knowledge behind the marks. I was telling someone that i have been drawing alot more lately and they said yeah practicing to get the pencil to move like this * then they did some weird arm gesture haha * ( they are not into art at all )

and i said its not difficult getting the pencil to do what you want, but knowing why you want the pencil to do that. so i figure its smarter to spend ages drawing one head, and learn as much as you can from it, then drawing 10000000000000000 bad heads to make your SB look fancy. I guess only time will tell haha !
[Image: upload2.jpg]

[Image: Upload1.jpg]
Has been a very busy last few days ! i havent had much time to draw and it suckkkkked :(

but here is some stuff now that i can get back on track :D
learning forarms is hard! but ill get it,

and some pencils on a shirt, but i started so late in the afternoon that it went into darkness so i had to bullshit the shirt before just ending it because i wasnt learning on bullshiting. but the pens when done in daylight :)

[Image: stilllife-3.jpg][Image: IMG_0034.jpg][Image: IMG_0033.jpg][Image: IMG_0032.jpg][Image: IMG_0031.jpg][Image: IMG_0030.jpg][Image: IMG_0029.jpg][Image: IMG_0028.jpg][Image: IMG_0027.jpg][Image: IMG_0026.jpg][Image: IMG_0025.jpg][Image: IMG_0024.jpg][Image: IMG_0023.jpg][Image: IMG_0022.jpg][Image: IMG_0021.jpg][Image: IMG_0020-1.jpg]
Some arm studies, some loomis, 2 no reffed heads and my mouth / nose from life haha, aswell as a doodle that i started, but changed monitors and realized that the colours looked so different from screen to screen and ended up hating it !

[Image: doodlefortonight.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0061.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0062.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0063.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0064.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0065.jpg]
[Image: myfeaturesstudy.jpg]
Grinding through some more loomis! thinking of new approaches, Trying to create my own, I think that is really the best for learning at the moment. Trying to learn the very specific measured construction and then trying to simplify it, but only once i understand the complex :) and a Refless girl from imagination, trying to see how much is getting stored in the old Jerry brainnnnnss haha !

[Image: flattened.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0069.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0070.jpg]
Keep grindin man! Makin progress. Let's see how you figure out those heads. I know you will, just keep at it.
(08-01-2012, 10:20 AM)Dennis Kutsenko Wrote: Keep grindin man! Makin progress. Let's see how you figure out those heads. I know you will, just keep at it.

haha aw thank you :) they are quite tricky to learn :O But working at it !

Heres my stuff from yesterday and today :)

Some no reffed sketchbook stuff, studies, and a banana i tried to paint on the ipad when i was waiting for a haircut, its only about 10 mins though haha
[Image: anotherstilllife.jpg][Image: IMG_0047.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0048.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0049.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0050.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0051.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0052.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0053.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0054.png]
Today rocked ! I got to draw lots and i tried lots of new things :DDDD i stripped down and drew myself in front of a mirror, It wasnt very comfortable because it was at a dressing table but it helped SOOO Much, i actually think it would be better drawing myself then a model because you feel your own anatomy moving as you move and you understand why that part has moved ! anddd i tried some mass painting ( i think thats what it is calle ) just no lines. my values and colours are still poop but practice practice ! oh and i did some quick colour studies, Not worying about details, trying to see value and colourssszzzz. I also looked at some art that made me day dreaammmmm about the chance that one day i could be that good... maybe haha

[Image: dooodlw.jpg]
[Image: enviro.jpg]
[Image: enviro3.jpg]
[Image: landscapespeed.jpg]
[Image: speedpaintenvio.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0055.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0056.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0056.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0057.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0059.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0060.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0061-1.jpg]
so some more boring anatomy studies,
[Image: IMG_0064-1.jpg]Then the
[Image: IMG_0065-1.jpg]

worlds crappest doodle :\

[Image: perspectivedoodle.jpg]

[Image: mmmmf.jpg]

then i decided i wanted to learn some perspective, so worked out the horizon and blocked in some basic values, but was not going to spend time rendering, then i started another study but realized the reference for the study was bad because it was super over exposed and there is no point learning that... i think :o

sooo then i did some self portraits, the first one made me veryyyy dissapoint..

[Image: sp-1.jpg]

So i said dear face, im going to draw the shit out of you .. again, and worked on it again before bed

[Image: mmmmDANCEONMYBODY.jpg]

then made it scary ;)!

[Image: fdup.jpg]

then just... eh i dont know haha

[Image: IMG_0063-1.jpg]
Getting a lot better dude, the thought of you catching up to me keeps me working extra hard xD.

(08-06-2012, 09:28 PM)ImSkeptical Wrote: Getting a lot better dude, the thought of you catching up to me keeps me working extra hard xD.

oh man dont worry haha your progressing like a monster ! but thank you very much :)

So update from a few days, did alot of deep thought and kind feels like i worked out alot of stuff about light and colour and edges and stuff, was kind of weird, alot fo things all sort of clicked at once. some studies, and all of the other things are from imaginations, so no reference trying to work on imagination stuff !

Thanks for looking if you do :) <3

refless doooodlezz
[Image: doodle-3.jpg]
[Image: lolorai.jpg]
[Image: keepgoing.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0139.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0139.jpg]

then the studies ( yawwwnnn )
[Image: nudestudy-1.jpg]
[Image: knife.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0127.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0128.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0129.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0130.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0131.jpg]
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[Image: IMG_0135.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0136.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0137.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0138.jpg]
So i had a few days where i could barley draw at all :( which sucked and put me in a bad mood haha, So its been a little slow trying to get the ball rolling again. Basically just some studies, crapy doodles and trying new things. Like 100 opacity things some more. I also realised i sucked really bad at painting, but then though i had not really dont much painting. so ill need to work on that over the next few weeks.
[Image: study-1.jpg][Image: anotherdoodle.jpg][Image: starwarsdoodletehe.jpg][Image: mmmmmblob.jpg][IMG][Image: gettingsomeskintones.jpg][Image: formum.jpg][Image: facestudy.jpg][/IMG][Image: IMG_0209.jpg][Image: IMG_0208.jpg][Image: IMG_0207.jpg][Image: IMG_0206.jpg][Image: IMG_0205.jpg][Image: IMG_0204.jpg][Image: IMG_0203.jpg][Image: IMG_0202.jpg][Image: IMG_0201.jpg][Image: IMG_0200.jpg][Image: IMG_0199.jpg][Image: IMG_0198.jpg][Image: IMG_0197.jpg]
good studies, for some of the object drawings I suggest constructing some of them out and work on some of your ellipses to keep them in consistent perspective. Look at product designers on how the draw things.

wow, that's some mega improvement i see,
i would say , try to apply the construction stuff that you learn on paper to digital, cause the digital stuff seems to lack those principles

my 2 cents!
(08-19-2012, 09:33 PM)gen5 Wrote: wow, that's some mega improvement i see,
i would say , try to apply the construction stuff that you learn on paper to digital, cause the digital stuff seems to lack those principles

my 2 cents!

Thank you very much ! and your 10000% right haha i think it comes down to me sucking at drawing aswell as sucking even more on the actual tablet ! ill spend some time over the next few weeks getting more comfortable on the wacom :)

Thanks !

okaayyyy more stuff from last few days,

Same old stuff, few studies then imagination, and trying some new things out!

refless doodle before i went to sleep
[Image: skeledoodlewithsnake.jpg]
[Image: lol-2.jpg]

[Image: snakestudy.jpg]
[Image: wallstudy.jpg]
[Image: torsostudies.jpg]
[Image: attemptatonelayerstartingtheface.jpg]
[Image: chiiixxleeggs.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0240.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0239.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0245.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0237.jpg]
then some sketcbook stuff, all from iamgination as you can tell haha
[Image: IMG_0238.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0242.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0243.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0244.jpg]

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