Daniel Lee's sketchbook
Hi daggers. I'm a new member of this family:) It's my honor to meet you all!

I just graduated from college, majored in interactive and visual design. To be honest, i don't really like my subject because it more like a website and interface design. So many programming!!! :(

I also studied advertising and marketing for my bachelor degree, which is not my passion as well. So i basically had spent so much time in studing different stuffs. Now i decided to pursue my career as a illustrator and concept artist.

I'd started drawing since i was six, but for some reasons, I had to drop drawing and focusing on main study during high school. I am so regret that i didn't pay enough attention on arts.

I am glad i find this study group and really appreciated Dave and Dan sharing their knowledge and experiences. Hopefully after some studies and sharing my works can make me become a professional:)

Here will update my studies and works, any feedback and criticizes are much appreciate:)

[Image: daily%2Bstudy%2B1.jpg]

[Image: daily%2Bstudy2s%2B.jpg]

[Image: practice1.jpg]

[Image: daily%2Bstudy3.jpg]
Oh i forgot to update my blog; here it is: danielleeart.blogspot.com
Hey, great studies :)

Keep posting more!
Thanks Pungyeon:) I will keep pushing myself.

Here's a dvd study for tonight :)

[Image: daily+study4+.jpg]

A quick movie study

[Image: daily%2Bstudy5%2B.jpg]
Here's some personal work:

[Image: bug3.jpg]

[Image: Thorin%2BOakenshield.jpg]

[Image: environment1.jpg]
Woah nice studies! That second MMA study is blowing my mind - keep it up!

Steve Anthony Pierce
CD Sketchbook | Artstation | Instagram | Blog | Twitter | DA | Facebook
Cool stuff, but your colours tend to get muddy - look into colour temperature. I highly recommend James Gurney's Color and Light book.

(02-25-2012, 06:40 PM)rich4rt Wrote: Cool stuff, but your colours tend to get muddy - look into colour temperature. I highly recommend James Gurney's Color and Light book.

Thanks for the advise, man:)
Hey guys! I haven't got time for my study since I back home. As my mind starting to settle down, I would love to continue on my study and drawing. And here it's.

[Image: daily%2Bstudy6.jpg]
hey everyone, long time no post, here are some studies i've done in last few month :)

[Image: anatomy3.jpg]

[Image: anatomy2.jpg]

[Image: anatomy1.jpg]

[Image: daily%2Bstudy7%2B.jpg]

[Image: daily%2Bstudy8%2Bcopy.jpg]

[Image: anatomy4.jpg]

[Image: daily%2Bstudy9.jpg]

[Image: daily+study11.jpg]

[Image: daily+study10.jpg]

[Image: daily+study12.jpg]

Still having problem with the color, but overall quite confidence in building form Try to find some free time to study after work. Thanks for watching :)

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