Jones Sketchbook
Lewislong - I looked back an I totally see what your saying about the cone shaped heads, Gonna try and watch out for that next time I draw heads. also thanks Man haha, I got a long ass way's to go so I gotta work a lot.

ImSkeptical - Thank's I think that's a good idea, & your right most my studies have been kind of quick lately.

pencil sketches from yesterday, rest today...kind of sketchy(spent a decent amount of time on the four eyed dude though), even though I said I wanted to do more finished stuff :s. Gonna try my next still life's in grey scale, focus on form. (trying to get the color's right was a bit distracting when I really am trying to focus on improving my understanding of form)

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Awesome to see your improvement through the sketchbook! Love the apple/ spoon still life.
yep, i would love to see more still lifes from you, also funny dude in your last pic :p

Catfist - Thanks :)

EduardoGaray - I got to definitely do more, I need to learn lighting, and form better and I'm not sure but from what it sounds like still life's are the best way. Thanks for stopping by again Man :D


Spent an hour on timed figure drawings can be a pain in the ass, and pretty hard for me. so obviously they are something I should be doing more, I think it's gonna improve my ability to draw figures from imagination. Next is a random imagination face - and last I spent quite a bit longer on, trying to 'finish' something, tried some things I learned in Alejandro's class.

Gotta work on getting my fundamentals down.

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today's bunch of stuff, stylized dude just messed around for a long while, used a ton of different brushes on him throughout was pretty fun experimenting with them. used a ref for the ear but made it too small X[ second is a just a starting wip, trying to get going on my ufo crash site assignment.

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Small update today, any tips or anything on this are very much welcome, tomorrow is the push to get it done.

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Phew done and sent in. Look's kind of cartoon-y but I like the concept and the little dude with the hologram gps thing.

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few hour still life trying to learn how to render out metal, & lighting. also quick practicing after.

Interested in trying more robots and stuff sometime, better learn some gears and stuff.
I like the robot, should have spent longer on him. More to come though!

Also damn, love this song

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Really nice metal texturing in that study man. And cool application. Nice one :)

JakeB - Thanks Man :)


Todays stuff, more robots and and profile alien dude.

Tried finding some gears and stuff but couldn't find any :(, will have to search around some more or find ref's online. Just looks how bad those leg's and arm's are where it should have mobility lol.

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Jones where do i begin. You have a wonderful sense of creature design. When i see your work a see a very early Brent. Your main issues is your rendering. You have a very unique style of art that you embrace as your own.. So we are going to work on the rendering. 1. You should push the blacks in your images. 2.. Texture is something we can work on together. I would love to see you reach your goals. I did a paint over for you.. I made a few small changes. I made the eye larger.. Because in certain cases the smaller eyes make your creatures seem less intelligent.. I have a heavy hand when it comes to the wacom pad. I just cant get the same feel of a pencil. So i lower the opacity so i can get the values i want. There is no need to paint and 100% opacity all the time. When you have some free time come out to the stream and ill continue to help.. Because we have the next assignment due this week. I hope you found this somewhat helpful...I cant speak it better than i can type it.. :) YOu are a really good artist and i would like to help you reach your full potential.

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M-rahsart - damn, thanks for the comment!, I see what you mean about pushing the dark's. Also yeah, rendering is still a bit iffy for me.
I always work in 100% opacity and just press soft to blend, but I'll try out lowering it a bit from time to time.
Thanks again for the paint over man, Learned a lot. I'll check by your stream sometime soon to.


Today's stuff, trying to work back into a good daily pace.
Not getting much done each day lately. gotta push it harder.

First is about a half hour morning sketch, and second took a few hours...tried to ace the metal.

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Metal rendering is getting much better dude, all i can say is try not to be so tight man! Work in big shapes at the start, don't be afraid to go dark, without it you can't see light!
Killing it with the metal study and application, especially the cylindrical body, it's really popping as 3D. Keep up the great work!

Thanks Jon :), & @ deerandfox - tried pushing the darks in these paintings more so and could see it helping make things pop more :D


Some stuff, wrist has been hurting since yesterday so cutting it short tonight. 4am sketch from last night, morning warm up and a creepy kid painting for Halloween (I can't shake the feeling I've seen something similar to it before though) - changing up how I'm painting a bit & trying to apply the great advice I've been getting!

I'm working too much in my comfort zones of portraits, Got to push into other things but whenever I try stuff with environments I'm lost :(

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Not feeling good about anything lately.

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Some Stuff, Challenging myself to do a Character a day on top of my normal routine for the next week or so. We'll see how it goes. Mr. Meat Tenderizer (second to last pic) is the first character today, meant to be sort of a post apocalyptic mobster.

I think this is good to do since It'll be more focused then these random things I've been doing lately with no ref, or studies and not much thought.

If anyone has any suggestions let me know :)

Updated - added a creature sketch from tonight, pretty sure the beak wouldn't function correctly how it is.

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Character 2, getting the figure to look decent took forever. Post apocalyptic themed again. 5 more characters to do, after I'm done them all I might go back and try and fix them up as well as color them.

Designing Kethun the Barbarian for Sickbrush's assignment. He's supposed to be really strong, and sometimes accidentally knocks over tree's while charging at enemies. tried making him look pretty big but I'm not sure if he looks powerful enough. Sketch phase right now, trying to design his clothing/armor. only just started the second on there.

Going to do more tomorrow, Pretty fun so far. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

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some time has passed since my last visit, nice to see so much updates, i can see improvement here!

Wow! massive improvement just in the last page, compared to like page 7, your metal has improved by leagues.. Great job..
Dont be afraid of contrast however, contrast is your friend! Great improvement, truly. Keep up the good work :)


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