Jones Sketchbook
Nice potato :D i like how you applied it to that alien thing haha
Thanks Fedodika, didn't even realize the alien thing has a potatoey shaped head haha. subconscious application, hell yeah.


Some anatomy stuff and an hour still life study, too tired to finish it.

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The life studies are looking really nice and also I love the composition in the last sketch of the previous post. I see you are struggling a little with the heads. I would suggest doing a lot of basic stuff from the Loomis book like the ball with the sides cut off in different angles , and the planes of the head.
Really awesome work with the sketchbook, keep it up!

Thanks a lot Razvan, I have been having a lot of issues with heads - I'll get back to Loomis soon.


Sleepy winding down sketch and another life study tonight...pretty dang tired while doing it though, feel like I forgot a bunch of what I know. Gonna keep up with studying this cast. Try to learn and push my ability to render.

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keep it up man! the rendering is definitely great, only thing i can suggest is to do as you said and push the construction through loomis.
Thanks for the encouragement and advice Ben!


Bunch of rough sketches and some Loomis stuff.

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Been a while since I dropped by, man you're really progressing well! Black and white sketch with the guy with the gun and the tentacle things has great potential for a finished piece.

Still life studies are looking great and with the faces - I feel your pain :(, gotta start working on them again (studying in general havent updated my sketchbook here for a while as got super lazy with studies etc due to having an unrelated day job).

Anyway keep up the pace and great work ethic!

Hey Jon! Thanks a lot Man! I was wondering where you've been, haven't seen ya on here in a long time. I hope you can find the energy to get back into it! I understand how it can be hard with an unrelated day job though. That's one of my worries about getting a non art job and not having the time/or energy for art. We've all gotta pay the bills though :(


Getting back to the simple loomis stuff has helped a shit ton with getting a basic structure down for heads! Been doing a mix of Loomis, Bridgeman and Hampton the last few days. Pretty brutal stuff to look at but I thought I'd post anyway.

also another plaster cast study from tonight + process gif, was having trouble with the colors so I just went greyscale, and overlayed the colors more monochromatically later.

Some various metal studies and a quick warm up sketch.

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your still life is amazing, but not so much for the one from imagination, try using reference, and look from other artist that doing the same theme. Keep pushing man

damn. this new work of yours is on a new level. you improved a lot since i last visited your sketchbook. gratz mate ;) i don't have even any advice for you at the moment. just keep hammering it and you'll be fine. Love <3

You do really good stuff in your traditional work. Theres a certain life to it. You are definitely working hard. Try pushing some more of your imaginative work. Just really sit down and see how far you can push an image. Just a thought, I would be interested to see how it turns out :)

rioriorio - Thanks a lot dude! imagination sketch was just a quick warm up, but I definitely need to be using reference more often for imagination stuff!

ramalooke - Thanks Rama! Really glad to hear that I'm improving, It's hard to see for yourself sometimes! <3

Jaik - Thanks for the advice Jaik! I really need to push my imaginative stuff further. Always find myself moving between things too often and then lose interest in the original imagination stuff/or get lost on them. A big part of it is I need to work on my patience I think. Thanks for the extra push to get to it! :)


Not much of an update, but some more work on a sketch from awhile ago and the last image is just sleepily sketching with random brushes, and deleting ones I don't care for. Tryin' to narrow the set down.

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Dump of stuff.

Had a lot of trouble (and fun) on that still life, just couldn't get the overall colors right. The still life set up was more pinkish looking I think. Found a red light bulb in the covert yesterday and had to use it for a bit of studying :D

I'm getting major blasts of how bad my proportions are on my figure drawing studies once I get up and look straight down at them D: Got to pay more attention while drawing them!

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Yeah sometimes it's hard to see your own improvements. I can't see them in my work almost never xD. You're getting stronger in your painting. Some brush strokes are really cool i think the biggest field you could expand on is your drawing. You've notice that you have proportion problems, try to attack this issue and throw in more anatomy studies. Good way to improve this is to do really slow measured life drawings. It will train you in seeing shape relationships and proportions. Give it a shot. Sign in to a life drawing class and draw on some really big pieces of paper. It's fun!

Thanks Rama! I completely agree on my drawing abilities. I feel like they're really weak, Going to put more focus on them for the next little bit!

I've checked around for life drawing classes a few times, unfortunately there aren't any nearby. I'll have to do with photo's for now :(


Spent a long time on this pose compared to most the figure stuff I've done so far. I found a board in the shed outside, sanded it down to use as a drawing board so I could have a bit of an incline, and see what I'm drawing more straight on.

First hour was pretty much just trying to get the proportions right (Arm to the right sticks out as being too long right away though) with a really light pencil then just building up for the next hour and a half or so.

Going to keep doing these, pretty fun!

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Fuck yeah! This one looks great <3 You're on the right path, keep pushing it ;3

Thanks Rama! :)

Stuff and things - Another long pose, I feel like the body came out ok, but head is too small. Quick bout to pass out sketch and some Loomis arm studies, and imagination app. Did the landmarks study prior to the long pose to keep them in mind.

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those figure drawings are looking beautiful!, specially the dude with the scythe, keep doing that haha, and apply apply apply!
Fuck yeah. Keep this anatomy going ;3

Fedodika - Thank's, will keep trying to apply all this stuff!

ramalooke - Will do Man! :D


Some sketches and an hour and thirty figure study, damn was I surprised how subtle a lot of the value changes were!

Also some anatomy stuff, few imagination pages too - just kind of zoned out the other night on them. Then some Bridgeman hands, I've been neglecting them badly.

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