Jones Sketchbook

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Your determination is unwavering... you're just DOING IT (for him lolol #ShiaIsLoveShiaIsLife)
and it's paying off in every post.

keep it up mang, looking forward to that finished piece c:

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Maan I'll buy that shirt in an eye blink hahahah, good stuff in here man! Keep it coming :D

Steeeeppppppphhhhhh Thanks you! Doing it for him, We've always been doing it for him, we just didn't know.

Thank ya wla91! Means a lot!

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Mentorship if anyone is interested :D weekly crits/paintovers and stuff

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little update, wip and some sketchbook thumbs/doodles

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You could make a career out of drawing helmets, they rock.
Not much to say man, you are already studying the things you need to improve, hmmmm, the nipple on the barbarian would be raised and streched vertically a little bit more?

dark souls 3? nice.
Also what Gliger said, you are rocking dude, specially these last ones, i've seen a few on facebook and you really are on the right path. And yeah looks like that nipple needs to go up a bit.

sketches looks so much characters in them. do you look at references or you just go through it hardcore ? i mean just whats "pop" into your head?

that last study seems like from Dark souls. is it though?
i want to see more finish ones mah bro ! keep it up

Those loose characters and traditional sketches look awesome, right now your weakest part seems to be color, so do some Van Gogh or other impressionist master studies and its always fun to do still lives and really try to match the colors/values.

I wonder what the comps would look like with markers if you have any. Or some simple black/white comp, like eytan zana (graphical approach)

And definitely dig your loose sketches, in my eyes, you're doing a steady/solid progress. Keep it going, and don't stop!
Joneessssssss, yessss I'm liking what I'm seeing!

Pen & pencil sketches *drools*, can't wait for more of them ~

And hey that Barbarian dude holding the axe to the air looks dope; though if you're able fix the arm equipped with the axe, it'll look dope fresh.

You're getting better and better man, fck yeah this hard work is paying off <3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
All this activity lately :DDD <3333

Gliger - Appreciate it man! Helmets are fun. good eye on that nip, raised it and stretched.

Ed - Yeep DS3, that cg trailer was sick. Thanks man good to know I'm in the right direction, I honestly lose track pretty hard sometimes, totally forget how to improve lol

Kurt - Thanks! For the character sketches I just stay lose, and really try and have fun thinking about character/personality/backstory Imagine myself standing in the positions they are in and stuff. no ref or anything.

Sometimes I simply go with ridiculous stories and sort of build the character from that, take the  guy with the sword and gun for example - I was laughing talking about who this guy would be with jonas on the hangout while sketching him. old bieber haircut, figure skating outfit - imagined he was a boss you fight on an ice rink and he just figure skates around you haha.

And yep its a dark souls 3 cg trailer screen cap study!

Crackedskull - thanks skull! I'll def get working on color, it's felt like a big weakness for awhile now.

Zearthus - ooo good idea I'll try that out! thanks I'm glad I'm steadily progressing! 

Steph - yeah! Honestly your traditional stuff has been getting me pumped up to fill more pages. Thanks you!


some wips figures have been disgustingly stiff lately, trying to fix it D:

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In that last sketch, are those wings or a cape? Anyways, learn how to draw wings and capes ;)
Nice, many figure sketches, that's good, maybe draw more people from behind? pay atention to the tilt of the hips, weight of the body and... I nothing else, good job sir.

Thanks Gliger!

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dude i love that sketch you did with the hue shift to purple and green man; i'm always hesitant to do that, but i'm gonna give it some more tries! cool knight dude and snake btw!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Your anatomy studies are sooo goood I love how you capture the light in some, Also the dynamic poses are amazing! Im Gushing over here lol!
You are a machine man. Every post better than the last, keep goinggggg

thanks brus :D

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butterfly bro fist :)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]

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