Jones Sketchbook
Tried adding more a bit extreme darkness, mostly experimenting with stuff. Look's a bit weird having that guy come straight up from the middle/bottom. I wanna learn how to do portraits that arent look directly at the viewer, sort of looking off the the side, but you can still see the other side of the face, not sure what to search though for studies lol. tried to sort of stylize it jokingly like the big lipped guy with the dots on his cheeks from post one in my sketchbook.

(tried to make it look like he was drooling haha)

Kinda have some loose goal's in mind, learn to do semi side perspective portraits, learn more anatomy, and environments sometime soon.

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Mobster dude, did some quick light in fog studies, then tried to make the dude look like he's under a lamp post in the fog, Not sure if I did ok. I added noise to certain area's to try and simulate a foggy look. Could have looked pretty sweet if I didnt make the guy look so flat, Need'a learn how to do a angled portraits and views though.

I'm trying to work more so with single brush strokes in area's as well, before I was sort of just filling in the lines first, then filling in area's of light and darkness.


An attempt at an environment study, It was supposed to be a desert. Started another forest type one but it felt overwhelming right now. Gonna try to get to full body studies, and environments soon. gonna get some sleep now though.

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Damn been having crazy allergies today, cant stop sneezing. Here's something I've been working on slowly, made custom labes and stuff. Used brush strokes isntead of just filling in without taking my brush off the tablet. I wanna make the chest muscles have that rough sorta look though, different muscles in em or whatever. See them in alot of peoples paintings and they look sick.

Anyway I've dumped alot of hours into this so far even if it only looks like a sketch. I only really just started painting. Plan to Spend more time rendering I guess would be the word. I think that's and area I lack in with experience, Spending a bit more time on it and learning could be usefull.

enough text already lol.

Anything anyone has to say is more then welcome. Could use all the input I can get from others.

oh and heres a close up of the labels

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Haven't worked on the above too much more, Started sketching away and came up with this dude, then I decided to do a full background and stuff, something I havent really done much.

Although there are many issues I can spot out, I'm not too experienced with use of characters and backgrounds and so forth.
The whole image here doesn't seem to blend well together, I'm not sure what exactly I could do, but I could really benefit from some pointers if anyone see's anything.

Only the baby now. was tryin to make a simple background but was havin trouble so I just did a single brush stroke lol. anyway just wanted the baby to be the focus for that anyway.

Gah, whenever I try to upload the blue one it comes out all pixelated and blurry, no idea why, it looks ok here but on facebook it looks horrible.

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few hours

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Got my intous 5 today, pretty sweet and all the button short cuts are allowing me to work a lot faster.

I spent time refining and changing the position of the blue man, didn't really care for the old position of the neck. also did some gestures, although I really need to practice gestures more, I do to many strokes and it makes it looks messy.

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Hey man, Good job on starting the gesture studies, I think working on your anatomy could really help you to improve your work so good job on starting that. Congrats on the tablet upgrade to! Make sure you get loads of use out of it! ;)

Keep it up with those studies! Also when working with values, have a value scale next to you. Remember to use more than the midtones, but only use black and white very little!
More gestures, did a 30 minute class on pose maniacs, so they kept getting longer, and had enough time to start adding value.

Also I been trying to learn to draw skulls, So I tried a bit of that today, but wasn't really feeling it. Reminded myself I want to learn anatomy right now.

Tips, Comments, and whet ever you have/want to say is welcome.

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Did a face study, pushed my values further than I normally do, only did a bit of blending. part that took the longest was drawing trying to get the shapes of the face right. Also just a quick sketch messing around before dinner did a fast overlay job haha.

Update -

@Jaik - Thanks a lot for the comment, I took what you said and tried it out, Works like a charm for smoothing things out. Will have to apply that to work later. I added a picture of the refined study below which I used soft brush, low opacity. It was just a pretty quick painting over area's, I'm not sure if it looks overly soft on certain area's.

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Nice job with the studies, you can really see improvement with values, dont be afraid of a soft brush though, alot of your stuff looks like it was don with a hard brush and pretty high opacity, if you lower the opacity and switch to a softer one and blend some of the tones you will really see a quick improvement with your portrayal of form :) Keep up the good work!

Working on a painting of my buddy Tommy, I have a picture of him off to the side I'm using to paint from. We keep eachother motivated with our hobbies, his music and my art so I thought I'd paint him. Still a lot of work to do though. I've mainly been using round brush lately, not sure if it's time to switch it up.

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worked on this a lot these past two days, need to take a break from it now, want to add some sort of buildings as a background later. Feel a bit drained now, not sure what sort of things to try doing next. Guess some gestures would be good, but usually I have some sort of on going interest.

Not too happy with the edges of the colored image, they look a bit choppy, any good ways of fixing that besides the eraser?

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Some sketches & final portrait/possible cd cover for my buddy Tommy.

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hey dude, thanks for stopping by my sketchbook the last time. I can def see you're improving! In your sketches you could benefit using some confident fluid strokes a lot are small strokes joined together by more small ones, fluid strokes will make your image nicer on the eye. Keep working hard.

@Jonhop - Thanks Man, I'm going to try and get used to using more confident brush strokes.


Two paintings, tried pushing the rendering more then previous paintings. As I've probably said before, still a heck load to learn and study. I'm feeling excited for the journey to improvement though. I feel I'm sort of developing, thought wise about painting. at first I really wanted to mainly make cool character concepts. Really enjoying just painting in general now though. Looked back at some 'paintings' (lol) when I first started getting more serious in April, a lot of improvement since then.

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Today's stuff, Finished the muscular baby and did a photo study, aiming for lighting on the body and just general perspective practice.

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Hey Jones check it out Here ,tons of Loomis books. I know people might say this over and over with the Loomis stuff, but It's gonna help you a ton if you get the basics out of the way. Those books contain loads of valuable information to help you battle all of the frustration. You'll gain like 20 levels once you get through all of them.

My suggestion is to start with
"Fun With A Pencil"
Then move to
"Drawing The Head and Hands"
and lastly
"Figure Drawing For All Its Worth"

You can choose to go through all of them as well
Thanks Dennis, is there any way I should approach them, reading through and drawing along?


This update is from last week, but I forgot to post here. All studies, and some gestures. First two pages of studies were pretty horrible, hadn't worked on my tablet in a few days.

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Yea man! Read through each page very carefully, copy all of the examples provided and then do some of your own; until you really understand the concept behind each page and can draw them without looking at the book.

Also, careful with those gestures. You should really be focusing on the pose instead of the exterior form of the body.

Here is an EXAMPLE from a Loomis book on how I think gestures should be like.
Remember to lay in the spine line first to capture the movement always. You want to capture the pose and movement instead of drawing the edges of entire body, and with only 30 seconds to a minute, drawing the form of the figure is not much help and even somewhat a waste since you don't have much time do draw them. Study the example well, especially the one at the end of the page; It will help tons in those quick gesture studies. Keep pushin forward man!

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