Hi daggers,

Here is a new piece I finished today, it's loosely inspired by H.P Lovecraft's deep ones. Please view the high res version for best quality.
[Image: MAX-SWINTON-DEEP-ONE-FINAL2-1000x563.png]
It's fair to say I made this one up entirely as I went along, but I'm happy enough with how it turned out. The idea was just to paint a big monster for my portfolio, it was fun.

I'd love to get feedback on it, there are some bits I might change if they still bother me in a month.

Hope you enjoy,


Really great piece! Seeing the Lovecraftian inspiration there (maybe not tentacles enough for being 100% lovecraftian, but... XD)
I found this very terrifying and the atmosfere is really disturbing. Cool.
The only thing that maybe you could improve is the eyes of the creature, because I think it looks too much as a shark with arms. Maybe no eyes? Or a bunch of them? Just to give him a more monster-like looking.
great job, anyway!!
Thanks Jaku, I'm glad you like it.

I know what you mean about the eyes, my intention was to keep it grounded in reality by making it something between a mammal and a fish, so it's like a shark whale man hybrid. Like I say, if anything about it still bothers me in a month I'll go back in and change it, which is something I have to do because as soon as I finish something I want to change everything so I have to give myself plenty of time to regain perspective on it.

Thanks for taking the time to comment,


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