JonHop's Sketchbook
Speaker study.

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Decided to colour some spiderman linework I did last year ans then did a wolverine sketch. Now I def need to get some sleep lol

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Meh that wolverine sketch, not liking it, and the spiderman line work isn't perfect but just wanted to finish it, oh well.

Some Work from today :)

gesture sketch

quick colour of same sketch

Quick planes of the male face

Then 5 min time limit gesture sketches from yesterday, not very goodbut I want to track my progress so posting em anyway.

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Some work from today.

Colour study of my glasses case


Trying to implement what I've learnt so far from loomis on drawing heads by doing the joker from imagination and playing with the fac shape a bit.

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Work from today

Some bad Lommis head practice's lol

Ryu from Street fighter from imagination trying to use what i learned from Loomis etc again

And a creature Sketch

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hey man good job, keep it up!
if you haven't already look up ctrl+paint, I think their digital painting 101 would help you a lot.

(06-26-2012, 04:17 AM)poyo Wrote: hey man good job, keep it up!
if you haven't already look up ctrl+paint, I think their digital painting 101 would help you a lot.

Thanks, Yeah I know about that site, prob watch some vids from it again soon, it's a great site.

Work from today

Gesture sketches

Orc sketch

and a piece I finished off quickly today that I did the other day as a landscape practice

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Work from the last few days
(should have updated each day, this bulk update is more than 20 files lol)

Anatomy sketches

(started a sketchbook for just that, for 1-2 hour anatomy study each day).

what I have so far of a butter bean study.

and sketch sheet for the 2D jam over at CGhub which I want to take part in but I prob won't have time to finish for their deadline :(. But I'll prob see it through to completion anyway.

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Hey good to see you still working hard. I'm gonna make a few suggestions. I'm seeing a few things you seem to do in your digital paintings, some seem to look a bit unfinished and unstructured or lose-ish if that makes any sense. First I'd maybe suggest taking a bit more time on your line work perhaps, so you have a strong structure to build upon with your painting.

For the painting part, perhaps just working at a higher opacity, The painting portions seem a bit lose, and the edges of things have low opacity strokes coming off, alot of edges look soft due to the opacity, using a hard small round eraser you can erase those parts out, try to use long strokes or it might make the edges rigidy.

Take my advice with a grain of salt though, maybe just try it out. I'm not highly experienced or anything, just basing from what I'm seeing and my own experience. :)

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(06-30-2012, 12:08 PM)Jonesoda Wrote: Hey good to see you still working hard. I'm gonna make a few suggestions. I'm seeing a few things you seem to do in your digital paintings, some seem to look a bit unfinished and unstructured or lose-ish if that makes any sense. First I'd maybe suggest taking a bit more time on your line work perhaps, so you have a strong structure to build upon with your painting.

For the painting part, perhaps just working at a higher opacity, The painting portions seem a bit lose, and the edges of things have low opacity strokes coming off, alot of edges look soft due to the opacity, using a hard small round eraser you can erase those parts out, try to use long strokes or it might make the edges rigidy.

Take my advice with a grain of salt though, maybe just try it out. I'm not highly experienced or anything, just basing from what I'm seeing and my own experience. :)

Thanks for the advice :), I will work on what you have suggested, I think you really hit the nail on the head with the eraser also.

** I will update thi post tomorrow with yesterdays work cause it's quite late now, I'm tired and I dont feel like scanning in numerous pages and then resizing them and uploading them lol

Some work from saturday night and today.

Imagination sketches

Pixelovely sketches

and polished the butterbean study a little more, not gonna take it further as I was just interested in getting the body shape and type down.

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2 of the better quick loomis head practices I did today, did other work but it's too late to upload and resize each image so I'll update with those tomorrow and the work from tomorrow.

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Hey, good job working hard!! Glad to see you are studying loomis too :)


Studies seem to be improving.
For the more finished sketches and such, some of them are coming off as a bit blurry. I'd try maybe some harder shadows or edges in certain parts.

Keep up the pace.
(07-04-2012, 05:31 PM)JasonR Wrote: Aye,

Studies seem to be improving.
For the more finished sketches and such, some of them are coming off as a bit blurry. I'd try maybe some harder shadows or edges in certain parts.

Keep up the pace.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by and give a reply and advice :). Edge control is def something I'm working on and trying to improve at. I plan on doing some Sargent studies soon as his work had amazing edge control and use and he did a lot of human paintings so fits in with my studying.

Update with some work from yesterday and today

Anatomy studies

and a still life

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Work from today

Some of the sketches from Pixel lovely 1 hour class setting

And a still life study I set up and painted in PS from observation.

Got a busy weekend away from home and then heading to England to see my family on tuesday so tomorrow might be my last update until the 18/19 of this month but I'll be doing lots of physical sketches in my sketchbook to keep myself improving and working hard while I'm in England :).

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I managed to get in one sketch whilst at comic con and the japan expo at paris and the day before I was at 'la Defense' sketching people in the big mall but I haven't scanned those in yet, I will when I get back from england if there's no scanner there.

Probably my last update until the 18 of July.

I'll be working whilst away though and have plenty to scan in from my trip :D.

Comic con sketch of model.

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Your anatomy is deffinately improving, just look at your last two female sketches there. Kick in the ass for me to get started lol, I've been saying to myself I need to get into gestures and anatomy more so. Good to see your motivated.

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Alright back from obscurity lol I've been back in france since last wed I think, but put off scanning and uploading a lot of the work I did, lazy to scan and re size each one individually but now I've done that today :).

So first off

I managed to get to a 2 hour drop in life drawing session whilst in England

so here's 3 pieces I did whilst there, the last one gave me some real trouble I restarted it 2 or 3 times lol anyway on to posting.

Ok now for some of the figure sketches from the past 2 weeks

These are not in order apart from the last 2 being from today.

figure sketches cont.

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and the rest.

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