new around these parts
Hi guys! I currently go by ruthwood. I'm 18, just graduated from high school a few months ago and took a break from school for a bit. I love anime and manga, I love music that's noisy, eccentric, and/or emotionally intense, and I always like to dress up. I also have a dozen other hobbies, each with varying amounts of energy put into them.

My siblings were/are very artistic people so at a young age I felt inspired to draw... though I never took it too seriously back then (I was more obsessed with beatmaking and picking up the guitar instead). This past year, I've been focusing more on improving my drawing/painting abilities and I'm proud of the progress I've made, but I know there's still so much for me to learn. I'm determined to create now more than ever Mean smile 

I discovered this website a couple weeks ago and have been looking around every now and then. I didn't even realize the registration pause until I tried to sign up the other day, but it seems that was lifted recently so yay. 

Art has always been a lonely journey for me (save for some friends + family), so I wanna kill some of that ego and start sharing stuff, getting/giving feedback, and communicating with other artists. Hope you all welcome me with open arms!

Glad to hear he back off from that registration pause but there isn't much moderation so it understandable. One of the first rule of the forum is don't be a dick after all.

Why not make a sketchbook and let us know some of the artist that inspire you as well as giving use a visual taste of what you got in that artistic baggage.

As for ego let it go as i like to say. For me the ego is when the artist learning capacity start to calcify.

Curiosity the ability to be easily fascinate and child like play those are your friend. 

Some artistic quality we must cultivate.

Active listening(the ability to pay attention to detail and ask question)
Observation(the ability to see the quality of a subject matter)
Dissecting(the ability to take concept or visual subject matter and break it down into digestible piece)
Planning(the ability to organize and prioritize)
Creativity(the ability to pair idea) and imagination(the ability to visualize)
Patience(the ability to understand that not every journey is the same and that everyone learn at it own rate)
Compassion(the ability to respect and honor were own artistic effort)
Perseverance(the ability to understand that discomfort is a part of growing)
Doing(the ability of taking action)

Here a list of thing artist do maybe you could include some of the thing you do as an artist other wise it a nice list to try to expand were horizon as artist.

Here my last word for to day. Take a small step everyday it already a big step to keep walking no matter what life throw at you everyday. If you need to rest do so moderately.

Attached Files Image(s)

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Hello! Fellow beatmaker here lol! But yeah drawing and painting are far more satisfying to me these days.


Brushes are like chocolate.
@darktiste  I'll start a sketchbook soon for sure, just gotta compile the recent things I've been working on :) Thanks for the words of wisdom, I'll try to keep them in mind going forward.

@androbot  heck yea! music production has always been a fun activity for me (if a little frustrating sometimes, which is expected). nice to meet you :p

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